Esoteric Healing – Some Adjunct Information on Colors & Other

Source: Deva:

How does a disciple stay in contact with other souls: (4)

  • There are those able to communicate directly through concepts in writing translated by the mind and brain.
  • There are those capable of communicating directly with the son of mind in an abstract format.
  • There are those able to communicate with the soul in an ancient language used at some period to communicate with the soul in that related past life.
  • There are those that communicate through automatic writing (Palm and base chakras) interpreting through the concrete mind and brain.


What centers do we use normally to communicate with soul? Can use all centers or a combination of one or more centers.

What colors are used more often in sheath related healing work and these in terms of the physical aspect of the sheath:

  • Etheric Sheath: ruby red
  • Astral Sheath: bright green
  • Mental Sheath: bright orange
  • Causal Sheath: blue

These are basically the colors of a probationary disciple’s four sheaths.


Colors of the centers in the average person: three centers.

    1. SP green
    2. Sacral purple
    3. Base white


Colors of the centers in an Aspirant to the Mysteries of God: four centers.

    1. Throat: orange
    2. Solar Plexus: bright green
    3. Sacral: violet
    4. Base: white


Colors in the centers in the average probationary disciple: six centers.

    1. Ajna: indigo blue & pink
    2. Heart: yellow
    3. Throat: black
    4. Solar Plexus: upper-blue
    5. Sacral: white
    6. Base: black


Colors of the centers in an advanced disciple these are monadic Ray conditioned. The rest of the chakras are soul-personality ray conditioned: four centers where colors received through guided soul or devic source:

A Head center between the eyes and top of head.

Crown center.

Ajna center.

Alta Major center.


It would be good to look at the colors associated with the buddhic plane centers found in the master and these are not to be given out to anyone. It would be good to look at this from the angle that the buddhic plane is a part of the Astral Body in those who have taken the fifth initiation but also those of the lessor initiations who have integrated the buddhic body. This is given for reason of continuity and for developing the buddhic-astral connection body connection: seven centers.


Alta Major:




Solar Plexus:



It would be good to look at the centers in the mental body when one becomes a third-degree initiate: Useful for healers to this as it conditions one’s understanding as well as prevents using the wrong colors on people you meet. It is OK to use these if you find it impossible to get guided ones for some reason. This will alert devic field of intervening with appropriate color.

Throat: black purple

Solar Plexus: black purple

Sacral: black purple

Base: black purple


Use these colors when healing those whose relatives are dying. Four centers.

Rear Heart: bright olive green

Rear Throat: passion blue velvet

Rear Solar Plexus: blue green

Base: vivid red orange

Use these colors when healing those who come to you for possession:

Throat, front: red orange; dark blue; light pink; white.

Solar Plexus, front: red orange; dark blue; light pink; white.

Base: same as Solar Plexus.

Sacral, rear: orange; dark blue; white; medium rose.


Use these colors when person comes to you for healing spine related or lower back ache: sacral center in the front below navel center area: bright purple; violet; white; and clear.


Use these colors when somebody comes to heal injuries related to joints anywhere in the body: Light yellow; light red; violet purple; lemon yellow.

It would be good to understand this joint thing will not work unless the prana is available in your palms and for this to be the case requires you to have the life style of a warrior. It would be good to realize that these above techniques require one to focus on soul levels before the healing work and to work with the hand chakras bringing the colors through from soul plane and for this to happens requires those around you to believe in you as a energy or faith healer and this requires them to trust you and believe you are actually a healer.

It would be wise to see these colors as just an intermediate qualitative intent effect. The real healing takes place between souls and mind and bodies.

It would be good to realize this form of healing is Author’s specialty and needs to be practiced every chance possible. You are a natural healer in that people believe in you. Faith healing is better understood by people as opposed to energy healer thus might be more useful to identify with this description. We will assist you whenever you ask and be alert to those we send to you given you truly care for others and not interested in fees. Particularly, you are both soul, spirit, master and deva conscious as well as conscious of the One Soul. Few have this consciousness.

Continue to practice the presence at all times so it is with you at all times, and it is your destiny and your path to assisting the powers that be.


Technique No. 1:

How to approach those with soul consciousness but also with spiritual consciousness. There are two techniques for these types based upon mystic and occult ray types 2, 4, 6 or 1, 3, 5, 7. These two types are the same up to the point in which you pass (guided) colors through their centers and in this way it changes.

Have clients lie down on their back and get them comfortable and suggest that they pray for assistance from angels or devas. Have them say out loud what they want and ask them to believe it will take place. Have them lay on their stomach next and repeat to yourself the great invocation and sit in the silence until you have denoted the following information:

Note what comes through from Lords of Karma first.

Note the process and details of what you are to do and/or they are to do. In this way go forward to heal this will take three hours in this example client case and usually.

It would be good to look at this healing process as necessitating the bringing in critical causal information before they arrive. Develop a plan a week before and in this way go forward to prepare everything they will need; trusting it will be the same as what comes when in person.


Technique No. 2:

It would be good to look at a similar techniques you can use in pre-approved special cases with people especially those who have gifted you with their knowledge of soul and are soul conscious sometimes or all the time.

First of all, you need their permission to act as a healer and gather information subjectively, and once you have it you can return by yourself to do this at a distance.

Second, in person this process is easier. Have them lay down and breath in white light in auric field and have them pray for what they want and have them realize it is only a matter of time before it happens. It is inevitable.

It is also useful to have the clients pray aloud so you can know too what it is they are seeking and realize it is also a way to communicate with us (Devas). This information will be used to help them. They need to feel comfortable and realize you are acting in their best interest, and also you are working with subjective angels and masters and will soon have an answer or resolve for them.

Go into the silence and repeat the Great Invocation to yourself as ask for permission from Lords of Karma for them to see if what is needed is karmically available. If so, share this with them and request them to do whatever you ask and have them realize what they ask it will be done and do no more but pray for them.

When they leave request that they will do what was asked of them and realize too this is all there is for you to do but wait for the results. This will be the process of all those in this special category that come to you for assistance and realise to it will come to pass shortly.

Realize this is what we want you to do and realize too this is all we expect from you for now and this will be easy for you. This is all the masters want; and realize this is all the planet wants of you; and realize too this is all the galaxy wants. Everyone will be happy do you see you are supported everywhere there is soul consciousness and leave the rest to us – go and heal those sent to you.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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