Nicholas Roerich Museum - Chandra River

Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

[HZ Note: the intent here in providing this example evaluation is to provide various types of subjective spiritual evaluations to promote the value (and its pitfalls) of Spiritual Psychology for Humanity in general. Furthermore, you will notice that these types of evaluations can access more information than can be reasonably used and does not justify the time put into bringing in all of the information but the prioritizing of it in the moment based upon the client’s real needs and the consultant’s availability.]


First of all, your consideration of a possible path based upon Judaism is consistent with the Ageless Wisdom Teachings and in this regard it is fundamentally important that one’s train of thought be exposed to the following 14-ideas.

We have given you much information on the whereabouts of a way to think about the hierarchy of evolving souls/spirits/devas/units of life, and in this capacity one can ascertain truths in the relationship of man to the Unknown. We regard the idea of evolution as the trend of man to become that other which we have no real name, and it is in this capacity to reach the conclusion that his likeness is more godlike in the respect to that which is his/her archetype. It is in this regard that the evolution of form has in some way an unfolding or exemplification of that which streams in as like attracts like. It is to this end that all prayer and meditations condition substance of one’s vehicles in the likeness of its repose. We regard the Judaic position, in this light, to be one of further testimony to the idea that their world created so long ago vibrates in delight as to the implacability of their alignment regardless of whether or not they have the faith or not as long as genetically or Source identified (and not used in its normal denotation).

It is this group response to substance for so long aligned to this Judaic Source that keeps them within the karmic boundary of such substance/forms. It is in this regard that they find the truth as to their god.  We would like you to reflect upon the idea that your Source of inspiration is from a variety of Sources based upon your alignment at any one time and it is in this regard we warn you of the difficulty in finding truth outside of this alignment. We regard each one’s path as part of their life’s training and in this regard your training is multifold and varied and this for good measure.  We respect your idea that your Judaic roots go deep into the very substratum of your beingness or substance but on the other hand so do all of the rest of your Source alignments. At each cycle what is the one thing that cues its turning point anyway? For you it is the establishing of a sense of direction back into the world cued by Mercury transiting your Sun through the 6th house and your Mars transiting Venus in the 8th house. It is to this end we can better think about this process.  We have given you the idea of your life forces streaming in or streaming out and under these conditions you find yourself going and coming as with the gods if you are sensitive and evolved.

You have been given the idea that each of you on the outer planes sees life as an unfolding panorama of unexpected events whose cause is basically unknown.  It is to this end that we dedicate our lives; and in this regard our missions are fulfilled or not by our ability to explain our lives.  It is in this regard that each of us finds solace in the expectation that life is working on our behalf and in this way we begin to treasure our experiences as our own.  It is also in this regard that each of us finds more solace in that we begin to develop a growing sense of relationship with this unknown that finds favor with us – we call it God.  To this end we develop our whole lives around pursuing what works for us in this capacity.  We delight when our experiences somehow nurture us and fret when they do not and in this way we create a philosophy over time to explain causation.

We give you now a more fuller picture of your life: You have been given the idea you will be working alongside of others in promoting your ultimate values and in this regard you are working for the One Life in this capacity and to this end you are called by way of your alignment at this time given the nature of this particular alignment it has taken you into the world and this world you have created.  It is in this world that you are continuously finding yourself and in this regard your world includes those you love and care about and thus includes them and their beliefs. We encourage you to wonder why you have chosen this world of particular values to serve in and to this end we encourage you to find yourself as stated above. Your life is one of constant change due to the values (and thus people and events) you surround yourself with and it is in this regard your soul cycle (or set of lives in body) has come to enforce its pull upon your substance which you identify with.  We have given you the idea you’re working in the world of Judaic values now and in this regard you will find solace in such a way as to be “delighted” with this path and to this end your work in the world will be better accomplished once you know what it is.  You have been given the idea you will be working in some capacity to envision the world a better place based upon values needing to be inculcated and in this capacity you have been well placed. We regard this placement as an extension of an earlier alignment with the truths of Hermes and related to the idea of ensuring wisdom be placed back into our school systems wherever found and in this way the world and be a better place for you to live as you require wisdom to be in your life.

We would like to give you the idea that each set of prayers or meditations give rise to some different type of supplication to deity and in this regard quality is assured—as we spoke above. On the other hand, each set of prayers also give rise to a conditioning of the ethers in such a way as to prevent also other qualities from entering in and to this regard the world turns.

We would like to inform you of an opportunity to turn the world in a certain direction. This direction is in its turn commanded by one of the lesser gods (if you please) and in this capacity God is well served in His high place. And for this to happen on a regular basis the world needs to diversify or turn many times to capture the subtly of this Being and in return He is better pleased so-to-speak. And in this way we all come around to His position.  His position as of lately seems to Be One of Being in Control of worldly processes in an effort to withstand the enormous pressures upon His Heart; and this is in regard to His Longing to be Mated with His Beloved and in this regard Wisdom is His tool for the service of the masses at this time.

We would like to say that it is relatively impossible to know His stature but to all outer triadal effects it seems apparent that His Life is one of great acceptance in the local Cosmos or at least that Cosmos we can know.  It has come to our attention His Will is like no other time in human history and His goal will not be thwarted by human complacency. To this end we will achieve that creativity and genius that is the hallmark of Judaic alignment. To this end also the world will become a paradise waiting to be founded in the local galaxy. We have given you this scenario as a means to represent something not really thinkable in His terms but as an effect of known causation experienced by those who have gone before closer to His godliness and in this regard this above outcome is coming down the Stream.

We would like you to believe that the God of the Ages has been with us (and yet not in His livingness) as the controlling force upon the planet and in this regard the Judaic alignment has recognized, in its own way, His unique and particular Laws that give rise to the plenty on all levels and in this regard this following prayer addresses. We would like you to repeat this prayer every day to see how the alignment affects you or does not.  This prayer has been said by thousands of disciples of this god throughout the ages and dates back to Lemuria and came from a place not from this planet.  We hope this prayer satisfies your quest for knowledge as well as provide a good feeling and in this regard it has served its potential. [14 lines: 6th Ray Ashram]


  1. We call upon the Winds of time that bloweth upon the Waters.
  2. The Waters heave and descend to where the Great Ones wait.
  3. Upon the Infinite Shore stands the Nameless One shrouded by the Mysteries of Space.
  4. Upon the sands there arises before the Nameless One a Universe filled with universes.
  5. And to this end He bloweth upon the Waters through eternity
  6. We seeketh that which giveth Life with each out Breath and taketh Life with each in Breath so we may move with that throughout Eternity.
  7. We move with the Nameless One through each night following each Day without pause and to this end we Serve.
  8. His hour that reckons our fate is unknown to all but the Great Ones That do His bidding.
  9. His Heart is unknown to all.
  10. His Love is Known to those that (Who) succeed in their quest for His sake.
  11. His Beauty is adorned by all who regard all is lost except for His Presence.
  12. We seeketh this end, the world turning–Night into Day.
  13. And to this end we triumph by Him Being Nameless.
  14. Silence, Silence, Silence


We have given you thoughtform in the respect that each of these “prayers” have relationship to the One Life from various turnings of the world and in this regard this “prayer’ is recited daily by the masters and disciples of the One Ashram and in this regard they are following the Path of those who came before them:


  1. The Lord standeth upon the pinnacle of the sound that reaches down the Path trodden throughout Eternity.
  2. Upon this Path travels alone and unaided, all those who seeketh the sound within the Silence.
  3. Upon this Path awaits those who travel not alone.
  4. To Journey together back to the Source.
  5. This Journey ends together at that Place where the sound stops.
  6. At this Place standeth the Lord receiving all unaided and aided by each upon the endless Way.
  7. At this juncture the Path turns and again the upward Way is trodden.
  8. Before the end and at the beginning the Path returns to the Source of the Word.
  9. The load is light but the Joy Abundant.
  10. Upon this Path the Lord is near and yet far into the distance as the Word goes forth into the Unknown awaiting the ear of all those whose silence is great.
  11. Upon this Path the surge is great but the hour passeth in repose.
  12. Upon this Path all seeketh for Eternity the Word.


We are giving you this prayer as a means to discover within yourself a way to escape into the unknown in such a way as to generate a momentary loss of personal identity and in this regard your work here is related to the idea of formulating a theoretical approach to oneself as a pure abstraction.   It is in this regard we move from abstraction to abstraction upon the wayward journey home.  In this regard it is important to deliver to you a fundamentally approachable idea of working hand in hand with one’s Creator to better create a workable solution to the problem of Purpose; and in this regard the meeting of Minds must continue onwards into the unknown.

You have been given the idea that Purpose is about God’s Plan somehow manifesting through time but in reality it is complete and its workable becomes our solution to the problem of Purpose and it is in our hands that it was meant to be worked out and you would be wise to consider this problem seriously in your own lives.

You have been given the idea that the world is fundamentally of one purposeful view point when it comes to the Being that animates it and it is to this purpose that animates all life upon this planet. We have given you this information about the Purpose of the Soul of S.K. as a means to satisfy your quest for more knowledge upon this subject and in this regard you must consider a way to enhance your understanding more from the astronomical and occult points of view. It would be wise to consider yourself fortunate to receive this information in its fullness at this time as the Lord is busy preparing for a great event taking place in the Arcturus part of the galaxy and in this regard all eyes within the local galaxy are upon this happening. In regard to the Purpose aspect being exchanged here occultly you need to consider a way to go that eliminates the idea of constructive play and look upon it as an opportunity to become entrenched within the new stream of qualified energies being released for the constructive aspect upon the buddhic plane. This form or re-constructive energies is already full, but its fullness is now extended through the use of this technique of cosmic Astral Identification along the lines paralleling the ensoulment of comic Astral Substance by a cosmic Deva and in this regard the fruits of the Soul of S.K. are being reified if you like but in this way the whole planet is affected by the impact it has upon planetary buddhic. We regard this alignment as a means where those upon the 6th Cosmic Path have demonstrated “infusion” of dynamic substance into an area or body of space that relates S.K. to the larger group and in this regard the following prayer will take you.


  1. The Battle of the Ascended Ones reacheth the apex of their Success.
  2. The War of the Heavens rages on and reaps the Past and the Future into the Now.
  3. We regain our composure and sing our Praise to those that have gone before.
  4. And in this Song our Hearts are Pure and our Love Absolute.
  5. And in this Song our Vision Sure.
  6. With this Knowledge we gain the Dragons Crest and Bestow upon the Battle Ground that which the Dragon “bares/bears”.
  7. The Worlds Cry Forth into the Night for the Legions of the Ascended Ones battling.
  8. Upon this Response comes the Whirling Forces descending into the heart of all and registers the Warriors Cry.
  9. Upon this Battle Field the Word goes forth into the Night—Behold I make all things anew and just proportions unto the Day.
  10. And with this comes that Peace which surpasseth understanding that descends upon each according to their need.
  11. The Ascended Ones Spoke and the Word listened and all was Silent for an Aeon.
  12. Upon this Silence the worlds still moved but only where the Ascended Ones could not travel.
  13. It is this Place that the Dragon becomes the Mulaprakriti and in this Place the Dragon becomes the messenger of the Word.
  14. The worlds reawaken to the Dragon’s quivering as all is not lost upon the battlefield.
  15. The worlds slumber again but keep abreast of the Dragon’s Thrill.
  16. The world returns to the shore-less Shore and again the Dragon becomes the Golden Cosmic Egg.


This next prayer relates to the idea of you receiving more information about the way your soul is now traveling in the cosmos. It would be wise for you to follow your soul’s intent here and register the life forces flowing into the planet from its point of view. Would like you to achieve a certain sense of resolution that each form cannot be known but the energies can be known in terms of the quality of the day as you were asked to evaluate; and in this regard your ability to abstract this quality to reflect more the soul’s is what is being asked here.  We would like you to achieve a certain sense of resonance with the idea of you receiving these energies even if the source is not known for in affect this is what we are about in channeling energies into the earth’s grid for clarification and blending into cosmos and for this to happen the earth needs to be receptive at all levels for this to happen effectively.

The manners of people who achieve enlightenment are those that contribute the greatest number of mistakes in their lives and for you to be great require many mistakes made and atoned. It is in this way we move forward to become all by making all a part of us. It is to this behalf we register Grace more fully as it is invoked more fully.  We have given you this saying as a way to more courageously forward in making mistakes and trusting life will take care of you based upon its compassionate stance.

  1. The hour has arrived that all wo-men wait; and to this hour the Lord standeth ready.
  2. It has come to pass (the prophecy true) that all waiteth upon the Lord, and the Lord is content.
  3. The prophecy true that the wo-men came and went, the sky came and went, and the Lord came and went.
  4. The hour has come when the Sea of Akasha will rise up and engulf the heaven worlds and return back to their Source and all will be well again in the Eye of the One.
  5. The hour has come when the cosmic worlds see beyond their horizon a gleaming light radiating upon the distant shore and this Light shineth until the Day cometh unto us.
  6. The moment arrives in our life (as spirit) that recognizes this perfected (Absolute) Light and travels thus to this Source.
  7. The moment arrives when wo-men (as spirit) rejoice in the wayward journey Home to this horizon–the moment sure within their Heart.
  8. The wo-men venture forth into this world of Darkness beyond the veil of time and space.
  9. The wo-men retreat back to the Place that gave rise to Spirit initially.
  10. It is at this Place we find ourselves standing with Eye Aflame.
  11. And from this Eye radiates All that redeemed us.
  12. It is here the Radiation returns again from whence it came.



This prayer is about a way to move forward into the unknown to have one believe in yourself and in this way you can achieve a certain sense of direction related to S.K.’s Plan; would like to say purpose but this is not really knowable.

  1. The world turns and all thereon finds hope in progress made.
  2. The world turns and all thereon sees from a distance their star shining.
  3. The world turns and all (Nirvanis) thereon smells the radiance of life ever after.
  4. The Many returns to the One and One (Solar Logoi) returns.
  5. The Hour struck, the Heart Blossoms, the (Greater Cosmic) World Turns.
  6. We Who have found the Way, (We) See the Dawn, (the Way) Returning from the Mists and from hence Blossoming unto another Way (That which lies outside of the Cosmic Lotus).
  7. The Hour struck and the Lhas (Greater, Greater Cosmic Logoi–Galaxy) arisen and in the Dust the many returns to absorb the One.
  8. And in this way, the creatures of all designs, again find hope in being.
  9. And in this way, the Lords symbolize the hope of all.
  10. And in this way, the manner of the worlds determines the fate of all.
  11. The funnel sounds and the upward way sees itself returning from whence it came.
  12. The (spirit) world turns.
  13. The (substance) world turns.
  14. The (unknown Heart) world turns.


The Temple in the Heavens represents all possible Wisdom unfolding in the Universe of universes and on each level the wisdom created is a natural outpouring of understanding and truth known through the unfolding of life experiencing Life. The Solar wisdom is that much wisdom that the many lives have touched within the solar experience. Galactic wisdom is that much wisdom that has been unfolded by the Lives contained within Galaxy to date.


Over identification with your mind as being you; thus, four areas of concern in being able to achieve future success:

  1. First area of concern is that of continuing existing relationship patterns.
  2. Second being that your dedication to a life path is yet incomplete.
  3. Third is that of controlling your desires for world success.
  4. Fourth is that of being able to achieve a sense of Self that becomes you.


Fourteen areas of release required:

  1. Patterns of resonance that puts you in your family’s path for support outside of your own needs.
  2. Patterns that reflect an old way of being that permits others to control you through their personality needs.
  3. Patterns that exhibit control of your environment in such a way as you create unnecessary tension between you and those you are working with.
  4. Patterns of joy related to old ways of being in the world.
  5. Patterns of helpfulness which are not related to souls’ intents.
  6. Patterns related to being in the world in ways that are denigrating you.
  7. Patterns that reflect a growing concern you have for the world in terms of being able to change things that need change.
  8. Patterns that reflect your particular point of view of world processes.
  9. Patterns that inhibit you from expressing yourself.
  10. Patterns that permit you to work with others but are not aligned again with your soul’s intent.
  11. Patterns not reflective of where you are today as a soul in body.
  12. Patterns that demonstrate to others you are in control of your life spiritually.
  13. Patterns that reflect your growing concern for others around you but do not assist them with these needs.
  14. Patterns that reflect the nature of your being-ness in first part of this life and past lives retained in auric field.



Full Moon Message for Client:

Group Soul: (6)

  1. Need you to reply to HZ’s suggestions here in that we choose to work through him for your benefit. It would be wise to consider yourself able to digest this information.
  2. Want you to consider taking some time to work with L to define for her some of your paradigm issues around Judaism—it would be wise for you to accept tentatively whatever she says but work them into a workable framework at your leisure.
  3. Would be wise to consider yourself fortunate that you are gifted in these four areas and need to expand your control of these gifts:
  • Need you to believe that you are capable of reading another’s auric field kama-manasically and to do this only requires you to love them and in this way you can generate those feelings necessary to define their present reality.
  • You need to remember that your past lives are strewed with many examples of being able to work occultly and to this end this life will take you once you have unfolded brain-mind-soul awareness it is to this end your achievements need unfold.
  • You have been given the gift of treading water in ways that permit proper decision making to unfold—take some time to apply in a practical way HZ’s gift of a decision-making process to properly unfold this demonstration.
  • You have been given the gift of retreating back to “home” to find a better way of moving into the world that perfects your service of meeting real needs and to this end of your life; we will give you advise of knowing when to retreat and it will come as a consequence of “you making a decision to help”.


You have been asked to receive information for yourself from planetary causal on the plight of Israel from the point of view NGWS and in this way proceed to develop an argument for yourself on their behalf.

Need you to accept the idea that the people in the soul-center education department of your university in education need to have a better understanding of your work might be useful to post an after-hour class to test the waters.

Need you to accept the idea of your working in the field of new age correspondence in terms of promoting educational concepts dear to you.


Soul: (4)

Need you to accept the fact of your co-relation (soul-centered education) to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings and their effect upon those around you; be prepared to demonstrate your knowledge of them in practical ways.

We have given the idea of demonstrating to others your control of personality substance in alignment with soul needs and for you this implies a gathering of your resources to better equip yourself to know how to do this. We suggest the following 16 ways of doing this control.

Need you to demonstrate the idea of you working alone and unaided in determining how to move forward in your career path and for this to happen it needs to come from within you all other voices irrelevant.

Need you to demonstrate a workable solution to your problem of relationship needs in terms of intimacy—reflect awhile upon these 14 personality characteristics that determine these needs.


Divine Soul: (2)

Want you to achieve a certain alignment and to accomplish this requires you to set aside certain meditation forms you are now using to experiment with above six apothegm meditations or prayers for 3 weeks.

Want you to gather information that you receive from these and enter thus into your journal in such a way that your experiences energetically are captured and then go back to earlier forms and do the same.


Guiding Angels:

  1. Want you to relieve yourself of trying to catch your breath when you are walking by walking more each day until you can walk 2 miles day and not be catching your breath.
  2. Important that you receive information on how to regulate your diet more exactly – include more: water, minerals, vitamins.
  3. Important you find a way to enhance your understanding of how these particular foods affect your health and well-being. Would like you to moderate your intake doing the week on these four:
  • Eggs once every 3-½ days.
  • Canned salmon include once every 2 weeks.
  • Include 4 servings per month of wheat grass or similar sprouted grains.
  • Moderate your intake of wheat—one serving every 2 weeks:


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.

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Guidance for an Aspirant – Path of Judaism & The Ancient Wisdom Teachings

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Spiritual Guidance I – Soul-Mind-Brain Alignment Intent – Introduction