Nicholas Roerich Museum - Kanchenjunga

Nature of the One Soul – Some Thoughts

The One Soul and Some Working Definitions.

The One Soul is the total wisdom or wise-Knowledge accumulated over the existence of the universe or at least from the solar system’s point of view.

The essence of the One Soul concept includes the various kingdoms of nature conceptually perceived in an evolutionary aspect in reference to their degree of contribution to the One Soul’s overall wisdom developed over long periods of time by existing and experiencing while in body.

We want you to believe that this One Soul concept can be defined in workable ways, these ways are many, but the truth is a true workable definition will not be found until towards the end of the Sixth Round.

It is important to note the definition of the One Soul as extant today held by the majority of human souls upon their own plane is that of a working model by which all individual unit souls derive a sense of relationship and purpose for their existence.

We have given you an example of the One Soul that betters the existing concept in world religions in that it perceives individual unit souls as an extension of the One Soul for the purpose of animating world thought and feelings in a way that that contributes to the idea of a purposeful reason for life and causative historical or idealizatized events.

The One Soul is that which pertains to the effulgence of Spirit as it sensitizes the substance used for the One Soul of planet over time to carry out its mandate held with the bosom of the Entities responsible for the planet’s unfoldment.

The purpose of this so called One Soul is that of achieving such a state of Grace that its invocative potential becomes so great as to produce a recognized response from the Cosmic Christ.

We have come to a time in our lives as a planet when the conceptual framework for the nature of the One Soul needs to be put into place to meet the real needs depicted by Aquarian Age Concepts of Brotherhood or Universalism. It has come to pass that this framework is now trying to be worked out in all international groupings in practical ways and will inevitably fall into place as it is experienced one at a time its necessity. Until each owns it (the soul) in their own way the best that we can hope to achieve is a theoretical framework that leads one to common understanding.

We have come to a time in our history as a world when the inevitable results of our many labors will be consummated, in such a way, that it will produce a gathered storm of overwhelming proportions, and as such, produce the New Age. This New Age is nothing more than the acquisition of the One Soul directly in our lives.

Many of you have been given many examples of the way the One Soul works in your lives. These examples need be multiplied to others to have a tentative foundation in this regard:

1) Ordinary human beings register the One Soul throughout the day whenever they choose to listen to their casual field guiding angels.

2) Ordinary human beings register the One Soul whenever they choose to follow their highest guidance inwardly or outwardly that is selfless and in everyone’s highest good.

3) Aspirants register the One Soul almost continuously whenever they are trying to carry out their perceived life purpose in terms of service.

4) Aspirants register the One Soul nightly during sleep when they are actively serving others.

5) Disciples register the One Soul when they are actively meditating.

6) Initiates register the One Soul whenever they are actively participating with brain, mind, soul, group soul alignment.


Other examples of the way each individual soul on its own plane moves into its relationship to the One Soul:

1) This involves the life of the soul upon the abstract mental levels that endeavors to depict each human soul in meditation upon the purposes of its life while in body.

2) The area of the soul body that is linked with the 1st sub-plane of the abstract mental level (7-Ray Causal Groupings) is in constant rapport with the planetary causal body.

3) The life of the soul upon its own plane (divine soul planes) cannot be distinguished from the Ray group soul.

4) The buddhic plane is that dimension where the human soul frees itself from cosmic matter and upon that plane it is in conscious awareness to other souls (in dimensional body) anywhere on the planet.

5) The One Soul is as much of the systemic and planetary Soul that the group soul is able to identify with.

6) During the process of destroying the soul body over a period of many lives the Son of Mind or soul slowly becomes expanded as it frees itself from its isolating form.


Next, you have been given information on how to achieve a sense of relationship to the group soul and its relationship to the One Soul:

1) The Oversoul is that group of souls that compose upon its own level the awareness of some heavenly Man.

2) Each heavenly Man is part of the composition of the solar Soul or Logos.

3) The One Soul is composed of the collective heavenly Men of our solar system and several other solar systems but for the vast majority of initiates the representative of the One Soul on the Earth is Sanat Kumara.  These seven-fold systemic energies become available to the adept particularly after the fifth initiation and particular within paranirvana which takes one through the seven solar systems.  In an experiential mystical sense, it is known as Ishvara an expression of the cosmic Christ within the heart of all and it is the Christ when the crown of the Heart or jewel He unveils the Father.

4) On a larger scale the One Soul is composed of all lives that make up the Milky Way Galaxy.

5) And on an even larger scale the one soul makes up a collective system or bodies of 7 galaxies and also the known and unknown universe.

We have developed a framework that puts the All of the experiential knowledge available to the planet/humanity within the context of the One Soul. The One Soul contains all wise-knowledge and awarenesses—spiritual occult education trains each to access all.

Useful to develop the idea that education is responsible for the creation of an understanding that entail a working relationship between all elements of society; this to be fully effective in meeting real planetary needs which can be contacted and understood through the One Soul.

The way the One Soul works on an individual level is the creation of necessary karma to enhance both the individual and society. The importance of each person’s karmic contribution has much to do with the way the world is organized to function at any one time. And it is this karmic organization that reflects the One Soul organization. Remember that one’s life path and spiritual path is also their karmic path.

Useful to contemplate the idea that the world Soul, a smaller component of the One Soul and is made up of the first five kingdoms and works in similar ways. This world Soul can be more easily accessed by the common person because of them sharing the sheath substance of the planet. Due to each person sharing a common set of vital, emotional, mental fields people being more able to know the truth of how they need to be in any situation to make it work for the highest good if they have developed sensitivity through purification.


Examples below that fundamentally relate the different kingdoms within the context of the One Soul and it would be useful to unfold this idea sometime in terms of values.

-Values of first three kingdoms: (82 Values)

-Values of human kingdom needs promotion still: (4200 Values)

-Values of 5th kingdom needing promoting: 4(200 x 10 to the 3rd Values)

-Values of 6th Kingdom needing promoting: (42 Values)

-Values of 7th kingdom needing promotion: (2 Values)

It is important here to generate the idea that each of us requires within ourselves a certain way of being that galvanizes us into the future of our next activity. This something is inherent within the confines of our lives in terms of substance identified with at that movement; it is this identification that permits our sharing in related resources of the One Soul as we each see it. It is to this principle of Freedom that the One Soul symbolizes to each component of its construction.


The Soul: from a Human Soul Point of View.

  1. The primary definition would be your dictionary one: that which gives sentient (senses) awareness to matter/substance on all levels or dimensionality. It is the ability to become more and more sensitive to one’s inner and outer environments.
  2. Soul is that definition that correlates all possible experiences in long term memory to create a apperception of cause and effect (intelligent way of adapting behavior to events to produce one’s creative environment—survival).
  3. Soul is that experience that correlates all possible life events in such a way as to create a working model of personality (produces self-consciousness that can be identified with group that co-created events).
  4. Soul is that entity that is responsible for the working out of life causes inherent within the framework of one’s existence (produces all related group karma).
  5. Soul is that entity that infers a commonality among all other human beings in such a way as to create a working model of a culture or civilization—at any one moment in time of the human race.
  6. Soul is that which produces over a series of lifetimes that (will, consciousness, intelligent forms) which is responsible for the well-being of the many through the One (Spirit, Soul, and Personality).


 One Soul of Humanity.

Humanities come and go and streaming alongside of them are many patterns of an idea whose existence has come and gone. It is with these ideas that humanity is given birth and it is with these ideas that the many cultures and civilizations come and go. The hearts and minds of nations synchronize with the life energy of these patterns of ideas.

Reactionary groups of humanity represent those patterns of ideas of distant past which now do not have any use even to them. Evil is the good that should have been left behind which I believe was said by Alice A Bailey. It is these reactionary groups of both humanity and patterns of ideas that need to be relinquished so the good can triumph over the evil that should have been left behind. Vice to virtue is the symbolic evolution of those forms created by humanity to embody these sequential patterns of ideas.

The Oversoul or One Soul of Humanity represents all of those many patterns of ideas flowing from the Mind of God over the millennium of time. It is the Mind of God that is tapped by humanity that brings these patterns of ideas into formation.

Advanced disciples and initiates of the planet are the ones able to contact the Mind of God and to step these down for the intelligentsia and the masses. It is the Hierarchy that is the real caretaker of humanities history of ideas. They formulate the Plan for humanity and bring into existence those souls responsible for creating those necessary ideas that direct the course of humanity ideation.

Humanity’s part in the One Plan for the lower kingdoms is also that of caretaker and overseer. It is humanity’s present goal to discover their souls and integrate with them to inaugurate the New Age.


The Way of the Soul.

It permeates the universe with a fragment of itself, and yet remains.

Each successful life is made up of a particular series of events that we have chosen to identify with in some way with our being either consciously or unconsciously.

Each series of events is created out of love (for love is the function or purpose for which we create anything) for the “perceived need of that moment”.

Each experience of love in having that perceived need met will lead us to a particular sense of self, with all those qualities that were mirrored and perceived in any particular series of events.

Important here to determine if that “experience of love”, reflected in our intended life creation, will satisfy our being or not as a way we want to experience love of created form or life.

We want each of you who read this article find within yourself a sense of your unique being that you identify with and is in control of that love reflected by what you do and do not do.

It is through this process of doing, that our awareness of our unique type of being comes to the surface of our consciousness (through being mirrored by an event)—and we say this is who I am or not.

We want each of you to satisfy yourself with the thought that I, the creator of my universe, attempts to imitates that being that I have chosen to identify with, consciously or unconsciously—we are created in the image of our god whatever that god is to us.

This thought will demonstrate to us the power we have in determining our fate (what we choose to identify with mentally, emotionally, or physically) either consciously or unconsciously.

Identity is identity, it does not discriminate conscious from unconscious. Soul is soul it does not discriminate between intent, will, activity, consciousness, awareness, being, need, identity, self, love, creation, form, I ness, doing, fate and everything else one can think of. It is everywhere presence in all of the above at the same time.  It is itself, qualifying and qualified by the substance it expresses through.

So, what is the soul? It is here a way we find our fragment of identity we have with our love (or being) through the creation of those qualified forms that reflect our being (or love) consciously or unconsciously.  It is basically substance and substance is basically spirit united with matter or consciousness.

The soul, as a fragment of itself everywhere, determined the way we both created an event through our perception of love or need or being or self and the way we determine our fate.

Each time we consciously experience this binding (binding to need, to self, to being, to soul, to doing, or to an event) soul experience in a successful life moment, we get a glimmer of the synthesis and distinction between our happiness as personal self and the happiness generated due to the experience.  It is due to this distinction that leads to synthesis that we begin to see, taste, touch, hear and smell our essential nature in life events as soul inherent within us and without.

The individual soul within us is always trying to come out and the collective group soul outside of us is always trying to come into us. As we develop in our spiritual lives it becomes more and more difficult to determine the distinction between inner and outer, or the individual and collective group sense of self as our subjective senses unfold–the soul places a fragment of itself in all. Never-the-less we struggle to find happiness at each point determined to succeed in the development of a sense of self that conquers all events because it sees itself as part or one with its creation in some form.

It is here that we continuously go astray, individually and collectively, and sense our separation from ourselves as we sense some life event outside of our own choosing.  It is here that we can find hope in the making of the possible decision that we are the warriors ready to battle each event as if was in opposition to some self-created ideal.   We only learn later that the only real battle is the one that makes us aware that the enemy is ourself, and the only victory comes when the outside self (individual or collective) is synthesized with the inside self (individual or collectively); and this is done through contributing our unique set of ultimate values.

This comes from our ability to see what the ultimate values, the real needs or highest good of the “exterior self” are, and it is through our ability to perceive this clearly comes our ability to truly contribute our value appropriately to that highest good or real need. This last statement should empower everyone for everyone has that within them that, which the world needs, in the form of unique qualities or values of contribution co-created with yourself individually, as soul, in the context of the collective good.  This is done as a soul, individual and collective, over a long series of lives, each attempting to imitate its creator—spirit.

If one could really perceive the simplicity of this pattern of causation for our lives and the planet, operating as both individual and collective souls, it would be easy to see that life is always trying to make us happy through our contributing our part of the ultimate values held by the larger One Soul.  This is the essence of what it means to find our Voice, our Path, Our Journey, Our life, Our Home.  The truth is everyone can make a difference in their own lives and everybody’s lives for they have the One Self or one soul in common.  This is one important meaning of the phrase “highest good for the greatest number”—each needs to contribute their values and qualities of self-worth for themselves so everyone involved can fully have the highest good for themselves.  Each must play and do play their part in the creation of the whole.

The soul, as both individual and collective, has an exact karmic way and plan for each.  This soul life plan or way can be consciously known, in its fullness, by those who have soul awareness within their mind and heart. Each of us with this knowledge can, with pre-meditation, know and complete successfully each set of life tasks.

In the process of abstractly doing, knowing and being yourself as a soul allows you to perceive life as a series of events co-created with the potential hope for nurturing and developing of our awareness of ourselves as an integral part of the evolving One Awareness or One Soul.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.


The Way of the Human Soul in the Three Worlds

A Group Soul’s Aspiration
Some Thoughts on the Self
Ten Esoteric Cycles/Stages – Part VI (The Seven Laws of the Soul)
Soul Centered Relationships (Guidance for a Friend)
Systemic Soul Speaking to Planetary Soul through Humanity
Solar Angel
Group Subjective Guidance (G14)
The Son of Mind’s Quest

Magical Nature of the Soul Workshop –Including Psycho-Synthesis Guided Meditation Exercises