First Ray Ashram
Any Disciple who wishes to start a school (once approved by the Master) to prepare disciples for initiation requires 60 insights from various members of the Lodge and be properly aligned to their intents. Furthermore, these insights need be perceived as requirements for the course work that is to be addressed over time. Please be aware that we are not referring to the predicted planetary schools but only program, course or workshop related training initiated by Disciples.
You have been given the idea of working together to create a Lodge passable set of instructions for initiation preparation school or course training. In this case you would be wise to see this program as an exercise in darling to be great and to accomplish this to requires one to accomplish three things:
Need to align the group’s will towards the Sirius: Divine Manas.
Need to align the group’s heart towards Heart of the Sun.
Need to align the group’s mind to Pleiades—Divine Mahat.
It would be wise to see yourselves in reference to this program as a way to challenge all in the redemption of their consciousness/substance and to do this effectively you need to both align to and demonstrate these six awareness’s:
Of Soul
Of Group Soul
Of Minor ray—Individual egoic Ray
Of Major Ray—Group Egoic Ray
Of Ashram
Of Christ
You would be wise to see yourselves in this endeavor as an extension of the Lodge training school in the first three degrees and to do this effectively you must first see how these are outlined.
Take the first degree first, it has 42 characteristics but only 29 are delineated herein as examples or requirements. Furthermore, the second and third degrees characteristics around training are not herein delineated.
First Degree
- Invitation to be Great.
- Policies. (16)
- Education of Values. (42)
- Requirements for Graduation. (168)
- A hierarchical set of objectives. (4,600)
- The Lodge as a repository of greatness and/or divine Wisdom.
- Relationship of the One to the One (4)
- Solar Logos to the local Cosmic Logos
- The Local Cosmic Logos to the Galactic Logos
- The Local Galactic Logos to the personality aspect of the Greater Logos
- The Planetary Scheme (particularly the Earth) to the Greater Logos.
Comment: These particular Logoi or star charts implied above need to be memorized by all entering aspirants and consist of 4,169 charts which we need to bring in at the soul level. Six need to be brought in to brain, the rest brought into the causal field of the aspirant.
The trend of thought for the new school needs to take into consideration these variables or vicissitudes (soul status) at the existing point of evolution in humanity in terms of these six aspects.
- The school is required to assist those who are in prep for second initiation.
- Also, those in prep for third initiation.
- Those who are in training for world service.
- Any of those requested by “Grand” Master.
- Those who have esoteric school karma for future teaching.
- The registering of those for future training who are known as “those who choose to die”.
The state of training preparation must demonstrate completeness before such endeavor can get off the ground. Furthermore, most disciples lives as they are now living it are as yet inadequate for such endeavor. But, be not discouraged as the day of opportunity arises in its night with the Hand of The Lord. Be not dismayed as the Lord wishes you all success. Several things have come to our attention. One of the things being the grace required by you under the hand of the Lord. Each disciple who exhibits this plan to initiate such a training along these lines requires grace in many areas. (160)
- Grace to see the truth before all eyes or Humanity basically.
The “Eyes” are all before you or the magical Eyes of Souls each waiting their turn to grace you with their presence. The unfoldment of these Eyes must take place before the course can be completed. It is in our best interest to demonstrate this to you at this time in relationship to Master R. There are four contexts to this Eye.
- The hour glass has been turned and the rising tide laps upon the shore of the Ocean of Humanity.
- The wise ones give their all and take what is least and turn it into gold for all to share.
- Each need to personally bring this point in for yourself. It refers to implications of line above in respect to group destiny and Humanity.
- The hearts of Humanity are strung as pearls giving birth to the Ocean of Humanity.
The treasures of the heart, now as always, are filed to the brim with hope. The likings of which glitter before the heart and carry all into tears before life.
The seasons come and go, the birds fly overhead, all is seen before the Lord.
Rise up in your might and catch the glimpse of the starry sky—seek not the wonders of the universe but the wonders of your hearts. We seek you to do this as the angels fly south upon the morning dew. Do this every day and all will be well.
The Lord cometh to you every day in the hope of your presence to Him. Do not disappoint Him and all will be well.
The starry night (of the buddhic dimension—4th sub-plane) is upon you, grasp its cord and lift yourselves unto it and all will be well.
The heavens brim fullness of the Lord, the starry days and starry nights ever filled with His Joy—See to it.
The heavens wait upon the Lord—and all will be well.
The Lord within each of you is a tabernacle of Desire for His Vision—see to it (40).
The peace of mind that comes from exerting yourselves along your spiritual paths comes from the recognition that all souls of humanity who (in the past) have diverted their focus away from the Lord to the World now feels the release when not exerting yourselves.
[Note: Release of pressure which has been building up from cosmic etheric plane upon the first sub-plane of the cosmic physical—thus energies permitted to circulate—thus produce salvation of substance through consciousness of the Plan. Purpose is an energy released in the sphere of planetary head center. Plan is in essence that of cosmic etheric substance. The first realization of SK’s Vision comes from the understanding that all Thoughts or Divine Ideation comes from the Solar Logos (2nd).]
The Lord wishes you to know two things: First, in the beginning of the 4th root race there came a moment of decision for the Lord. He was unsure about whether or not to further develop the 4th root race. He discovered His cosmic astral sensitivity was such that the 4th root race represented an undue sensitivity to the forces of cosmic evil. His decision came with the idea that the Solar Logos would not prevent him from removing from the world certain racial types that were produced through experimentation, so he decided to remove them to prevent genetic contamination (an image of tall African woman with thinning hair in front). The Lord also wishes you to know on the day of deliverance of the 4th root race, after the flood, He had redeemed himself (the Lord) through challenging himself through purifying His cosmic astral body.
It is important to note that the people on this planet accept or reject my dispensation. For all of those who have come before me in quest of my vision I give them this – a starry night, filled with the laughter of the gods through perceiving Its Voice and Its Word.
(Note: It shall come to pass, that all those who come before Me, seek the presence of the Solar Logos and for this reason, and this reason alone I dedicate My Time, My Love, My Will, for such an endeavor as the Beauty of the Solar Lord is My inspiration.)
The Lord gave a way for those who ask for it or a way to travel in the wilderness. It is the wilderness (solitude), where the Lord can be sought after. Two Points here not able to be shared:
The Lord comes and goes as the sands of time. Upon the wind He carries His messages of the Great Ones for all to hear if they have the Ear…
The starry days and nights register every subtle sound of the Lords or Voice—What do you hear in the night sky? (4)
The Ageless Wisdom Teachings are full of Hope to those that know their meaningfulness to them—what is their meaningfulness to you. (14)
The sands of time represented by the hour glass configuration represent the nature of the universe as they are poured in and then poured out. What matter which way they turn. For you to turn others around you are required to achieve greatness as a magnet—what magnetic qualities are required? (400)
The One Heart(s) are upturned, and the wayward glances are fixed upon the waves crashing upon the shoreline. Each wave (your particular wave) sees itself as isolated from the others but moves in rhythm great and small to the wanderings of the Ocean—seek not the Kingdom of Heaven until the wave and Ocean is known.
The hourglass configuration represents in its truest form the idea of events in time; and their order of appearance is fixed in the turning of the wheel. The forms built, used, and destroyed mark the beginning and end of a cycle. The hour glasses come and go and seek the large hour glass and once all is known it disappears—what hour glass needs to come for you? (2)
The sons and daughters of heaven resemble the configuration in time of kalpas and pralayas which come and go. The sands shift and make way for the building of a new era and with each new ear comes a greater peace and contentment. You would be wise to see yourselves as building a new era bringing a more lasting peace unto the earth—see to it (in these ways).
The Days be with Us, and the nights be against Us, and all is well.
The merry go round of life ends as it begins, and this is true to its Cause—what is true to your cause of your merry go round.
The Lord standeth by and ventures forth to those who are seeking His Vision. Upon the rapture sheet, all designs are drawn and all lessons learned.
Seek not the kingdom before the star of righteousness shines upon your head. The star indicates the path of spirit up into the heavens, and thus only the cosmic path can be found.
(First Ashram Source stops here)
II. A Way to Organize and Secure the Subjective Nature and Intent of the Course Training or School: (18)
Each person needs to be evaluated from the following 14-positions:
- Whether the soul wants them there.
- Soul purpose as to its usefulness.
- Whether or not they will be able to complete the course of study.
- Whether they will be overwhelmed.
- Whether they have the resources to pursue it.
- Whether they can adjust their time for it.
- Whether they will have a conflict of interest with instructors.
- Whether will obey their souls.
- Whether they will be able to work as a group.
- Whether they will be able to altar personality dweller karmic patterns.
- Whether they will be able to finish in time to be of service to the world.
- Whether they will be able to demonstrate their gifts.
- Whether they will be able to integrate into the world.
- Whether they will be able to take initiation.
How students can be responsible while at school. (14)
- They need to be concerned for the well-being of each other.
- They need to complete projects.
- They need to demonstrate willingness to hear guidance.
- They need to orchestrate their lives according to soul’s wishes.
- They need to demonstrate loving kindness at all times.
- Need to be aware of the events happening around them.
- Be assured that each moment needs to be controlled in the classroom—soul-personality.
- ………………………..
Each person in school needs to be responsible for one of the following roles – volunteer—need vs gift: (16)
- For educating others on soul obedience that needs to happen for individuals..
- For controlling the group auric field.
- For registering entities coming into the space.
- For monitoring group guidance—what wants to come in.
- For healing personality disruptions on an individual or group basis.
- For linking with the Master—inner M responsible for the school.
- For dealing/comprehension of karmic patterns of individuals.
- For assisting others with special homework.
- For assisting others with theory.
- Coaching others in developing their part in the One Plan.
- Assisting others in unfolding their values—all three levels.
- Educating the group-on-group initiation requirements.
- Assisting others in interpreting their feedback in meditation.
- For assisting others to integrate into the outer world.
- For highlighting the real needs of the group.
- For developing a theory of where the group is at in their integration process.
Each member of the group needs to be responsible for one of the following—assigned: (3)
- Be responsible for monitoring dwellers and illusion patterns of individuals and the group.
- Be responsible for monitoring glamour patterns of individuals and the group.
- Be responsible for monitoring maya patterns of individuals and the group.
Students need to honor themselves in these ways: (26)
- Be yourself at all times.
- Never judge yourself.
- Proffer opportunity to others to systematize their knowledge.
- Invoke the divinity of others.
- Regulate your breath.
- Prophesize the future.
- Help others harness their spiritual energies.
- Allow others to be themselves.
- Promote each other’s ultimate values.
- Listen, see, and touch each other in a spiritual sense.
- Listen to people as souls.
- See others as souls.
- Touch vibrationally as souls and spirits.
- Honor the advice of others – spirit.
- Don’t see people as having gender.
- Don’t objectify others.
- Don’t get over stimulated.
- Don’t be lunar conscious.
- …………………….
How to move to your next level of spiritual awareness or identification
- How do I move to my next level of service.
- How to move forward taking your next initiation.
- What do you have to relinquish from the past to move into the future.
- How do you move to your next level of integration, what substance do you need to salvage.
How to move to your next level of enlightenment (5)
Lessons group needs to master: (4)
- Know itself as a soul group.
- Recognize what its service activity is.
- Recognize its relationship to the Plan.
- Recognize its relationship to the Master.
Each person needs to be responsible for working with the New Group of world Servers (NGWS): (12)
- How to be more assured of when you are connecting to this group.4
- How to be more assured of your service objective to this group.
- How to contact the group when needed.
- How to know its plan in relationship to YOUR group.
- How to further the plans of the NGWS in your area of service.
- Estimate the time in your life needed to carry out your service commitments to this group.
- Organize NGWS data in relationship to yourself—in terms of your plan.
There are training requirements for workshops that should not be ignored:
Personality Transformation & the Soul/Spirit:
- Be willing to undergo a change in the way they receive guidance—this means they need to be able to receive guidance from soul through instructors initially.
- They need to desire to change their ideas concerning their life purpose if it makes sense.
- They will be asked to register from soul (initially through instructors) meditation suggestions to experiment with.
- They will need to be open to receive from different sources other suggestions.
- They need to be open to healing.
Nature of Initiation & Revelation:
- Each student will be addressed as a potential initiate this means they must be willing to undergo related training.
- Also, each student will be asked to receive from their soul needed ways to reorganize their hearts, minds, and life.
- Each student will be asked to register from their respective guiding disciples information they need to consider.
- Each student will be wise to follow their guidance.
- Each student will be asked to act on information that will assist them in contacting Divine Soul.
- Each student by this time will be comfortable with guiding process of instructors.
Nature of Hierarchy:
- Each student will need to register further guidance from guiding disciple.
- Each student will be required to see their path as part of others.
- Each student must acquiesce to the concept that information is acquired on a need-to-know basis.
- Each student will be gathered from outside of everyone else to be given special projects—all will be individually addressed.
- Each student will be asked to resign from time to time until they get it right.
- Each student will be given an opportunity to forge ahead of the group if successful.
Nature of Hierarchical Protocol:
- Each student will need to register further guidance from guiding disciple.
- Each student will be required to tested subjectively by the powers that Be.
- Each student will be asked to resign from time to time until they get it correctly.
- Each student will be notified once they complete their training and able to move into another level of training.
- There is required that each student who has successfully passed their level of training be permitted to move forward but to do this requires certain testing of usual natures each uniquely related to themselves.
- It is also required that each student be aware subjectively of their soul status.
- It is also required that each student who is of such and such status be given special projects.
Nature of the Vision for Humanity:
- All students are required to develop their particular vision for humanity based upon their own vision.
- Furthermore, each student is required to create an individual life plan in concert with their Group Soul.
- It is required that each student’s plan be subjectively reviewed and accepted.
- It is required that each individual plan considers their particular group soul needs.
- It is required that each student be available to unfold a yearly plan from Wesak to Wesak.
- It is required that each student be given information from Group Soul as to their unique contribution.
- It is further required that each student be given the right to alter their plans once they progress.
Nature of the Ray Group Life
- Each student is required to commit to further group training given to all successful students.
- Each student is suggested to dedicate their mental life to the fulfillment of their plans.
- Each student is given the opportunity to see themselves as integrating into the greater group life.
- Each student is given the further opportunity to see themselves as being a member of planetary heart center.
- Each student is warned not to do certain types of activities.
- Each student is given the benefit of any doubt as to their day to day accomplishing of their particular self-generated service. This means it is left to each individual’s soul to understand how they can best serve.
- Each student is given the opportunity to release their karmic pasts.
Nature of Discipleship
- Each student is required to see themselves as being an accepted disciple.
- Each student is expected that they be permitted to receive their own guidance at this point.
- Each student is expected to return the favor and assist others in their lives at this point based upon what they were taught.
- Each student is given the opportunities to perceive themselves as becoming a working disciple.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to alter their training needs at this point to leave the program after this workshop.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to perceive themselves as being released from all outward training responsibilities.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to perceive themselves as not needing any further training in this program unless they are asked to perfect themselves in the following workshops.
Nature of Advanced Meditation
- Each student is given an invitation to advance their types of meditations.
- Each student is provided with the required information to make special alignments.
- Each student is given the opportunity to contact certain members of planetary Heart Center.
- Each student is given the opportunity to see themselves as advancing into a certain area of the “Body of God”.
- Each student is given a further opportunity to see themselves as slowly uniting with Spirit.
- Each student is given further opportunity to see themselves as being able to say with accuracy what is their source of guidance.
- Each student is given the further opportunity to perceive themselves as completing the Antahkarana.
Nature Spiritual Occultism
- Each student is given the opportunity to develop special occult gifts and abilities to be used in service.
- Each student is given the assignments they require to become spiritual occultist in some way.
- Each student is given the opportunity to perceive themselves as working hand in hand with the Lord.
- Each student is given the opportunity to perceive themselves as being able to consciously work with the Christ.
- Each student is given the opportunity to work with the Christ and the Lord in unfolding of their group service Plan.
- Each student is given the right to be trained subjectively at this point without classroom time.
- Each student is further given the right to be released from the outer group process.
The remaining sections are by invitation only and require further commitment according to their Soul’s Intent.
True Nature of the Rays
- Each student is given the opportunity to determine their rays.
- Each student is given the further opportunity to find the rays of others.
- Each student is given the further opportunity to perceive themselves as a part of some Ray Group Soul
- Each student is given responsibilities related to their Ray Group Soul.
- Each student is given the opportunity to perceive themselves as a part of many subjective groups.
- Each student is given the opportunity to perceive themselves as becoming a member of a sub-ashram.
- Each student is given the opportunity to integrate into their related sub-ashram.
Spirit, Soul, Mind, Brain Link
- Each student is given the ability to perceive themselves as having a brain, mind, and soul link to the Divine Soul.
- Each student is given the opportunity to perceive themselves as receiving from the rain cloud of knowable things.
- Each student is given the further opportunity to perceive their relationship to their Christ Body.
- Each student is given the further opportunity to perceive their Dharmic pattern.
- Each student is given the opportunity to perceive themselves as organizing their triadal bodies.
- Each student is given the opportunity to perceive their growing identity with heavenly Men.
- Each student is given the opportunity to advance their relationships with the Deva Kingdom.
Integrating into the Group Personality (46)
- Each student is given the opportunity to create their Group Personality to better integrate into their service environment.
- Each student has the opportunity to enhance their particular group related abilities and special Ray gifts.
- Each student is given the opportunity to enhance their understanding of their group’s Plan status.
- Each student is given the opportunity to highlight all of their particular group karma required by them to be responsible for.
Developing your Spiritual Gifts
- Each student is given the opportunity to see themselves as products of the One Plan and One Purpose in terms of the One Vision. This means they will or will not become members of the Lodge.
- Each student is given the opportunity to see themselves as being supported by S.K.
- Each student is given the opportunity to see themselves as unfolding their subjective connections spirit related systems.
- Each student is given the opportunity to attract the attention of specialized ashramic service groups.
- Each student is given the opportunity to receive assistance from masters.
- Each student is given the opportunity to study hierarchical star charts.
- Each student is given the opportunity to review various hierarchical records.
- Each student is given the opportunity to review previous creations of Solar Logos.
Developing your Guidance
- Each student is given the opportunity to reflect upon the First Cause.
- Each student is given the opportunity to enhance their understanding of local cosmos.
- Each student is given the opportunity to organize their minds concerning the constitution of the solar system.
- Each student is given the opportunity to receive guidance from Monadic Group.
- Each student is given the opportunity to be impressed by Shamballic related sources.
- Each student is given the opportunity to receive guidance from systemic sources.
- Each student is given the opportunity to receive guidance from advanced devas.
- Each student is given the opportunity to receive guidance from more esoteric sources.
Creating a Life Plan
- Each student is given the opportunity to assist in the developing of the hierarchical related plan.
- Each student is given the opportunity to adjust to world karma.
- Each student is given the opportunity to envision for humanity a future.
- Each student is given the opportunity to create with their ray group future programs & projects for humanity.
- Each student is given the opportunity to increase their relationship with hierarchy.
- Each student is given the opportunity to increase their relationship with Shamballa.
Integrating the Personality & Soul of Humanity
- Each student is given the opportunity to integrate the personality and soul of humanity.
- Each student is given the opportunity to enhance humanity’s understanding of their path.
- Each student is given the opportunity to work with souls to forward their evolution directly.
- Each student is given the further opportunity to see themselves as starting their own Tay service group.
Nature of a Guiding Disciple
- Each disciple is given the further opportunity to become a guiding disciple for others as a soul.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to also become a guiding disciple for others as a personality.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to lessen the lives required in humanity.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to initiate other disciples into greater life.
Practical Occultism I
- Occult Resonance
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to discover their particular occult gifts and abilities requiring unfolding for their service.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to unfold their way of receiving form subjective aspects of themselves.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to advance into the inner world of occultism.
- Mental Vision
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to develop mental vision capabilities.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to interpret these images.
- Each disciple is given the opportunity to interpret other impressions.
Practical Occultism II
- Spiritual Telepathy
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to practice spiritual telepathy.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to do this under all conditions.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to receive spiritual telepathy for others.
- Body Map Interpretation
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to receive impressions related to mapping cosmos.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to discuss the One Plan in light of these “maps”.
- Each disciple will be given an existing set of maps.
- Kama-Manasic Continuity of Consciousness
- Each Disciple will be given an opportunity to travel subjectively in its dimension.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to travel as a group.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to ascertain for themselves the state of affairs for humanity in terms of astral condition.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to remember their travels.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to discover those areas of the kama manasic dimension needing healing.
- Building the Upper Antahkarana
- Each disciple will implement an individual training program for this.
- Each disciple will develop their Antahkarana along group lines.
- Each disciple will be given what they need to do this.
- Each disciple will be requested to use the Antahkarana for a variety of services.
- Each disciple will be given information on aligning their Antahkarana with planets.
Practical Occultism III
- Guidance from 14 Particular Sources
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to create relationships among various entities.
- Each disciple will be given opportunity to unfold their inner connections.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to discover themselves along spiritual lines.
- Each disciple will be given a subjective source map and must learn to access those entities.
- Each disciple will be given training on discovering new ways of accessing the body of god.
- Each disciple will be given testing on their abilities.
- Organizing Your Mind
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to unfold their soul mind along divine soul lines.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to unfold their soul minds further along ray lines.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to develop their 5 minds.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to develop certain siddhas.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to cross over into the mental body consciously.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to unfold their Devic related gifts.
- Developing Your Evaluation Skills
- Each disciple student will be given the opportunity to perfect their evaluation skills.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to create many evaluation formats.
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to create links to their evaluations to sources.
Practical Occultism IV: (Training given only once higher Psychic Gifts unfolded)
- Astral Psychometry
- Each disciple will be given the opportunity to experiment with astral psychometry.
- Each student will be given the opportunity to see for themselves the nature of the astral plane.
- Each student will be given strict training in this technique.
- Astral Hearing
- Each student will receive training required by them in this regard.
- Each student will be requested to use this technique only under certain conditions.
- Each student will be requested not to use this technique until certain requirements are met.
- Astral Clairvoyance
- Each student will be given the opportunity to investigate the astral dimension from this point of view.
- Each student will be requested to use this technique only under certain conditions.
- Each student will be requested not to use this technique until certain requirements are met.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder – H.Z.
Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
Graduates of the Earth – Some Adjunct Information
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)