What is the relationship between the ten sub-hierarchies and the six ashrams in respect to the externalization Plan now? There are several ways of understanding this. (6)
- You can look at it from the perspective of knowing the degree of organization of the One Hierarchy as a whole in this regard.
- You can look at it from the perspective of the organization of each ashram and those of the sub ashrams.
- You can look at it from the perspective of which ashrams are interfacing with each other.
- You can look at it from perspective of which programs each ashram is a part requiring interfacing with other ashrams.
- You can look at from perspective of which projects each of the sub ashram is a part of.
- You can look at from the perspective of what personnel are doing in respect to sub-ashram projects and programs.
Each of these can be addressed here somewhat to give you an indication of degree of understanding so others can be better informed.
Hierarchical Ashrams and sub ashrams presently participating in the externalization activities of the One Ashram – Indian Hierarchy, Oriental Hierarchy, Himalayan Hierarchy, and the South American Hierarchy.
The listed ashrams and sub-ashrams below represent a possible inter-action configuration at a point in time depicting an aspect of the inner-organization of the One Hierarchy’s sub-hierarchies.
It is provided as an example of participation in the externalization Plan.
Indian Hierarchy
7th ray sub ashram of 1st
5th ray (5 sub ray sets)
- 2nd
- 4th
- 5th
- 7th
- 2nd, 7th
1st ray ashram (5 sub ray ashrams)
- 2nd
- 6th
- 5th
- 7th, 3rd
- 2,3, 4,5,7
7th ray ashram as a whole (12 sub ray ashram sets)
6th ray ashram as a whole (6 sub ray ashram sets)
- 2nd
- 4th
- 4, 2,
- 2, 7
- 7
- 5, 1
Oriental Hierarchy.
1st ray ashram as a whole (6 sub ray ashram sets)
- 3rd
- 3, 5
- 7,5
- 2, 5,7
- 7
- 2,3,5,7
7th ray as a whole (6 sub ray ashram sets)
- 5th
- 5,7
- 7
- 7, 1
- 7, 4,
- 7, 1, 4, 5, 2,3,6
3rd ray as a whole
2nd ray as a whole
4th ray as a whole
5th ray as a whole
Himalayan Hierarchy
1st ray as a whole
2nd ray as a whole
7th ray as a whole
5th ray as a whole
South American Hierarchy
1st ray (5 sub ray ashram sets)
- 5th
- 7th
- 5,7
- 7,1
- 1
3rd ray (5 sub ray ashram sets)
- 3 bunch of places in upper right
- 5,7 bunch of places on upper right
- 7,2
- 3,1, 5, 7
- 7,
5th ray (5 sub ray ashram sets)
- 3 three places upper left
- 7
- 2 three places in upper left
- 7,2 three places in upper left
- 5 many places in upper right
7th ray (3 sub ray ashram sets)
- 7 many places in upper left
- 5 6 places in upper right
- 3 many places in upper right
Although you have guessed that there are many sub hierarchies on this planet (but the author does not yet fully understand them organizationally and therefore cannot finish the organization chart in its entirety or accurately so this chart will be postponed for another time.)
The organizational plan of Hierarchy is composed of the 10 major sub hierarchies as well as these major ashrams as a whole. Please note that their are other hierarchies on the planet that are not a part of the Spiritual Hierarchy.
These ashrams are in order of present importance related to inner-organization of sub hierarchies provided above.
- 7th
- 5th
- 3rd
- 1st
- 6th
- 2nd
Names of 7 of the 10 Hierarchies:
- South American
- Himalayan (Northern Indian which is responsible for western disciples in general.)
- Indian
- Oriental or Asian
- Southern Indian
- Lemurian/Early Atlantis 1,2,3,4
- Later Atlantis/early Aryan 1,2,3
You would be wise to see this as an opportunity to really understand their existence and for what set of purposes (but it is not part of the teachings given out for good reasons).
It is important that you have a trail to follow in the evolutionary unfoldment of the many races and this will provide you with one significant insight although a slippery one at that.
You would be wise to see this as an opportunity to merge your existing ashram data into a more useful paradigm. (5)
You would further your education if you treated this as unimportant in understanding the Plan although useful as well as easy to teach, which you cannot as of yet although can hint at its broad implications.
You would be wise to see the One Ashram as arranging a time to come together each full moon to take notes on matters of the Ashram and present whatever findings you have made to substantiate ongoing organization.
You would be wise to see organization as a way of holding reality but not really true although it appears true from cosmic physical plane perspective.
The necessary attitude is one that needs to be taught to others so they can understand but in terms of organization they need to get it for themselves.
In terms of the One Hierarchy being composed of these ashrams and hierarchies it is important to understand that this is so because of the racial unfoldment historically considered which created these thought forms and thus all souls that now enter them are caught and cannot escape it appears. It is therefore important to keep this fundamental illusion as it is useful and for our purposes.
It is also possible that we can leave behind this concept of separated hierarchies as this separation will not be felt as much over time. It is also advantageous to point out to other ancient wisdom races that they also have entry likewise into this One Hierarchy to better overcome the sense of separation among these various racial groupings.
It would be wise to see this model as useful for explaining what is happening in terms of races and sub-races as well as duties and responsibilities although not really true either. But does never-the-less indicate racial contribution to the overall process as well.
It is important that you understand that the model we are using is composed of these variables: (140)
First Variable
It is important that you see the first variable as being composed of all of those individual masters who have taken the 5th initiation as well as all of those masters who are training for such as well as all of those lessor disciples in training for such as this is the initiation of completion in doing the Lords work here on His scheme.
Second Variable
The second variable is that of sub ashrams being composed of all of those masters and fourth degree initiates who have taken responsibility of the goals of the solar Logos and to unfold His Presence here on Earth as well as other humanities related to the Earth as a place of opportunity.
[Note: It is important to understand that these masters are of the opinion that those requiring this information qualify yourself to be taught this information in the expressed hope of serving the Lord by putting out this information in due form to those that qualify and therefore have earned the right to bring to the world this understanding not with worth but later once an appropriate notoriety has been created. There are those of these masters who appreciate the neutral mind as well as the open heart and they believe one can be responsible for this truth without personal glory given or required. It is important that you spend several years gathering this information from the subjective sources before you present it as it is difficult to understand with the mind. It is therefore impossible to understand it from a 5th dimensional mental or symbolic perspective but needs the intuition to grasp it in its fullness or completeness – as well as its livingness. It would be good if one spent time on it regularly to deliver the facts although there is little that can be gotten by one until their vision is adequate as well as their intuition; which comes into a close second in terms of needing development. Although, intuition will come easier once one purifies their feelings more and let go of their past and guilt held as well as letting go of not being a real human being for it is this that holds most back. It would be well if you took a well-deserved respite from yourself. ]
Third Variable
The third variable is composed of all of those devas who are responsible for the third Logos for the substance aspect of the Ashram. As well as for the training of those masters and disciples in how to work with the substance aspects. It is important to add here that these devas are not more knowledgeable but only that they have access to the knowledge of the universal mind and therefore can receive anything that is available to do their work. Some devas who have been around for a very long time have much knowledge and these devas who have also been working with humanity.
Fourth Variable
The fourth variable is that these devas who have passed through the human kingdom at one point and have entered the devic kingdom as well and they are few but extremely knowledgeable of many areas more than one could even imagine. It is well worth your time to invoke such a god as will assist those in whom Spirit calls as well in whom the Lord calls as the two are one.
Fifth Variable
The fifth variable is that of seeing or witnessing those groupings responsible for the creation of all triadal forms as well as all triadal related vehicles This aspect of the teachings has never been given out and refers to those devic Lives which are sub divided into sub-plane substance. It is important to add here that these devic Lords who control the cosmic etheric planes are in themselves very advanced Beings created billions of years ago and have experienced everything to receive this position as well as been everything as this position represents the ability to retain all the possible degrees of consciousness as well as states of being. It is possible to perceive this as being the ultimate high if you know what I mean in terms of the One Life upon the cosmic planes.
Sixth Variable
This is on the 12 Creative Hierarchies which can not be given out as of yet.
There are 135 more variables to this model that needs to be concretized to better clarify this model for those that have the grace.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded
The Solar Logos – Nature and Plan – Some Adjunct Information
The Christ & Some Plan Elements
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information