Nicholas Roerich Museum - Mount-of-Five-Treasures-Two-Worlds

The Masters & Spirit – Some Adjunct Teachings (Revised 03-19-24)

A discussion on the Masters and the Influence of Spirit.


The goal here is to achieve a greater sense of appreciation for the ways the masters actually work in respect to Spirit.

The master requires a vibration from Spirit in lieu of adjusting of His attention from the task at hand. This demands from the master first an acquiescence to the nature of the circumstances implicated by Spirit; and secondly an acquiescence to fully ascertain the significance of the registered request received by Spirit through the monadic sheath related grouping.

In summary, how does a master respond to a qualified energy pattern vibration from a monadic sheath grouping?

  • First he absorbs the content of the vibratory  intent.
  • Second, He notes its solar systemic group related Presence.
  • Third, He assimilates its implications.
  • Fourth, He acknowledge’s its relevance to the One Life.
  • Fifth, he relegates any decisions required to His ashram for feedback.
  • Sixth, a response is formulated that can be compared to the highest good for the greatest number.


It is useful for you to reflect on the idea that the Master regulates His time through developing the ability to sense on a continuous basis the intent aspect of the One Spirit (Life) and the One Soul (Consciousness).

We want you to develop the idea that the master responds intuitively to all vibrations within the body of the planet.  These ideas that form from these vibrations represent all ideas available to Humanity for assimilation at some point in time and space.  It is these ideas that are responsible for the trends of history and civilizations.  The Master spends no time responding to vibrations below His level of beingness in general.

What set of circumstances would be required to absorb 100 percent of the master’s time?

  • The first circumstance would be the gathering of his group for participation in a hierarchical event requiring all members of the Hierarchy to participate. This is generally only once a year at Wesak.
  • Second circumstance would be the registering of a cosmic vibration coming through His monadic sheath grouping.
  • Third circumstance would be a planetary vibration that implicated His particular grouping. These happen on the average 22 times per year and have to do with astrological opportunities.
  • Fourth circumstance would be the responding to calls from his monadic group in relationship to the planetary head center.


The majority of time spent by a master is due to His response, as the head of His ashram, to His monadic grouping. What is the nature of the master’s response in this capacity? First, it is the correlation of His ashram’s intent with the hierarchical intent. It is in this capacity that he organizes His ashram to better meet this intent. What does it mean to organize his ashram?

  • First, it means he must select various individual souls to unfold their development along specific lines.
  • Second, he must organize His ashram in such a way as to generate a certain number of souls to take certain initiations.
  • Thirdly, he must register for His ashram those planetary plans His ashram needs to participate in and when.
  • Fourthly, he must organize his ashram to reflect the Will of the planetary Logos.


It is important here to generate a sense of comparison between the masters of different ashrams versus those masters with no ashrams in terms of the way they work.

There are several masters that are released from the responsibility of heading an ashram. There work is detailed below:

Their work entails them to develop very special abilities that address the many other life forms on this planet.

They develop, in concert with planetary head and heart centers a plan for addressing the real needs of these groupings.

Each master has in His responsibility a related group of lives to watch over. At the time of this writing there were estimated to be 22,864 of these groupings.

The master has to implement His plan in such a way as to integrate with all the others plans within the solar Hierarchy. It is important here to understand the ease with which this is accomplished. For a master has integrated into the One Life of the solar system and this fact adds to His point of view and His knowingness of the nature of the Purpose under which He works. This Purpose is known by each master in consort to the ashram He is assigned to by Spirit.

The responsibilities of the master are widely varied, and each is free to meet these responsibilities as He knows is best.

Each master has His responsibilities also to the One Ashram meeting collectively for their major yearly event. The masters can participate in other hierarchical events if requested to do so by spirit.

What are some of the duties of this group of masters?

  • The various groupings of lives require oversight as to soul related livingness requirements.
  • These related soul groupings require input in terms of knowing their responsibilities in respect to the needs of the One Life.
  • They require direction to better understand ways to unfold themselves.
  • They require direction to understand the importance their lives have to the One Life.
  • They require direction to develop along correct lines.
  • They require direction to organize themselves in acceptable karmic ways.
  • They require direction to relinquish gain to move forward.
  • They require direction to contend with difficulties.


The masters perceive the Presence as a pattern of Spirit as a means to communicate effectively with the One Life. The Presence is an intricate part of all life, and it is through this ability to communicate that than Life is able to inform itself.

We have come to an important element in communicating with the master.  This element is the nature of the Presence inherent within each life unit.  What is the best way to define this life unit? This life unit can be defined as a way that life organizes itself to better experience its connection for/with others within its dimensionality of existence. It also can be defined as a way to organize itself to experience the knowing of its place in life.  That life as we can conceive it is present in all forms equally. How are we to distinguish the relationship between life and consciousness?  It is important here to discern between the consciousness Presence and the life Presence. One is inherent in the other and is the underlying cause for the difference in the way we experience it. Life, as we know it cannot be separated and the Presence cannot be separated, and they together cannot be separated.

It is useful to hold the idea that mastership is not unlike being at one with the Presence at all times.  It is the mastering of life in terms of being everywhere within One’s Self.

‘Being’, can be understood to be the keynote that is being mastered and thus containing the Presence in all.

One might think about defining Presence in this way:

  • The Presence is that which originally gave life.
  • The Presence is that which takes life back.
  • The Presence is that which controls all life for its own purpose.
  • The Presence is that which controls all life for reasons we can comprehend because we are contained within it.

Each disciple must continue working on developing their understanding of ways to achieve this Presence within their life or “being”.  A few of these ways can be better understood by unfolding answers to the questions below for yourself as each will require the input from the Presence:

How to be in the Mind of the Master 1600

How to be in the Heart of the Master.

How to assure yourself of his Presence when you need him. 26

How to get the Master to assist with the work I have committed to.28

What are the master’s responsibilities? 1800

What requirements must I demonstrate? 862

What lessons have I not learned? 140

What area of service do I need to unfold? 42

What type of ashram do I need to create? 820

What responsibilities of the ashram am I willing to take on? 22

What pledges do I need to make? 82


It is useful to meditate further on the nature of a master: 22

A master is one in whom the One Soul is an integrate part of himself and thus is able to know all things at any time.

A master is one in whom has identified with Spirit and obeys Spirit in all ways.

A master is one who can call upon the devas to assist Him in carrying out His plans.

A master is one in whom the Lord of the World can direct to carry out His slightest wish.

A master is one whom Humanity can contact once they are members of the One Hierarchy.

A master is one who can hold the planet as one with Himself in terms of its consciousness.

A master is that which can succeed where others have failed in carrying out His part of the One Plan.

A master is at all times focused upon the head of the One Ashram or Sanat Kumara.

A master’s slightest wish is automatically carried out as He is always in the flow.

A master’s Aura includes all of the auras of His chosen group of souls.

A master is one whom can at any time know what is happening anywhere on the planet. (It is important here to make them understand that they are on the road to master hood by following their guidance)

A master’s ashram is part of the solar Ashram, and he is aware of its interrelationship.

A master’s vision includes the vision of the solar Logos in terms of the Earth scheme’s part in the play as well as those schemes related to the Earth.

A master is able, at any time, to materialize a thought-form.

A master is able through the assistance of others to influence the destiny of the race.

A master is able to say that He is unfettered by any form in the three worlds as well as any intuition.

A master is equally able to say that he is beyond identifying with any aspect of the not self as it applies to the three worlds meaning that this includes those heavenly Men who are in incarnation upon the abstract mental plane ensouling groups of Egos.

A master is one in which all people can recognize as god if He choose such.

A master is one in which all people could perceive as being unable or able to identify with according to His choice.

A master is one with the Christ in His Plan

A master is also one with everyone on the planet in terms of spirit

A master is likewise one with Planetary Logos in terms of monadic groups.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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