Organization of Mind Requirements of a Disciple – An Example (Revised 02/29/24)

An example of an initial organization intent only by a Son of Mind according to 16 groupings to effectively assist in the One Work based upon their capacities. Please keep in mind that these groupings are organized according to one or more of the three possible aspects – first, second, or third aspects as all entities have all three. These have to be also discriminated and recognized by the disciple.

Initial Desired Subjective Groupings for a Disciple in Training:


Group of Saints:


Holy Ones

Pioneer Group

Ideal Group

Group of Organized Minds

NGWS Resource Group

Third Degree Grouping

Fifth Degree Grouping

Master Grouping

Chohan Grouping

Esoteric Beings

Enlighten Ones

Master’s Mind


Individualized Devas – Whom Also Assist in Organizing the Disciple’s Life and Mind:

An example of 31 or 140 related types of information which can be imparted by Individualized Devas for training purposes:


Responsible for getting information on healing of others.

Responsible for getting information Atmic Clairvoyance images.

Responsible for giving info on Extra Systemic Information—star systems related to this one.

Extra Systemic Info from Solar Logos.

Extra Systemic Info from Cosmic Logos

Extra Systemic Info from Galactic Logos.

Extra Systemic Info from Cosmic Triadal Levels

Extra Systemic Info from Cosmic Mental.

Extra Systemic Info from 5 lower Cosmic Astral Planes.

Extra Systemic Info from Avatars.

Extra Systemic Info from Members of Blue Lodge.

Responsible for info from Greater Nirmanykas.

Responsible for info from Monadic Lives.

From Master on Inner Ashram Events.

From Master on Healing.

From Master on Teaching.

From Master on Full Moon Ceremonies.

From Master on Record Keeping.

From Master on Special Group Work.

Responsible for organizing day to day Ashramic considerations.

Responsible for educating others on Ashramic Values.

Responsible for educating others on the Plan.

Responsible for educating others inner lodge relationship/protocols.

Responsible for educating the bulk of incoming newly accepted disciples.

Responsible for educating disciples on ways of relating to the initiations.

Responsible for educating disciples on ways of training on other hierarchies.

Disciples in training for working with the elementals.

Disciples in training for working with the Holy Ones.

Disciples in training for registering the Voice of One Soul of Planet.

Disciple in training to see triadally.

Disciples in training to resonant with substance.


Mind of the Master – An Example Organization

The intent in registering His mind content is to ascertain the way his will is known and to accomplish this would require the disciple to  receive every day the teachings going out of the ashram. At the same time the disciple would be wise to consider a way of being in the world that establishes an outpost relationship to the Plan and his comprehension of the Christ’s Plan now.


Structure of Hierarchy

Structure of Shamballa

Structure of Humanity

Structure of Systemic Triadal Field

Structure of Creative Hierarchies

Purpose of Sanat Kumara

Purpose of Cosmic Logos

Purpose of Galactic Logos

Nature of the Plan

Nature and Composition of Planetary Live & Lives

The Plans of the Christ

The Nature and Purpose of the Cosmic Paths

The Purpose for which the Worlds were Created

The Heart of God—Ishvara

The Will of Good


In this case the disciple needed to create a set of thought-forms of the impending New Age Human Plan to carry humanity into the future.

Book on the Plan and Future of Humanity

36 Courses on Spiritual Psychology

Nature of the Laws of Soul

Nature of Hierarchy

Various Workshops


The ability to organize your life means many different things to different people. 

To organize your life means to set it up in such a way as to eliminate all chances of it unfolding contrary to what your objectives are. This means you are ideally in control of all events even though that all events are or appear to be co-created by the group.

The disciple at the least must effectively organize their duties and responsibilities throughout the day, week, month, and year.

The disciple needs to create his correct life path and corresponding set of environments. This permits the soul to organize the vital airs to produce correct concretization of thoughts. And to do this requires also the personality to organize vital airs by regulating their life in such a way to produce causative relationships to events in their lives to themselves according to their life path.

The disciple needs to hold the correct form of devotion with its corresponding ideals. Thus, the personality needs to relate to the ideals we are holding. This eventually allows the personality to organize the vital airs in such a way to reflect the soul’s geometry-ideals-intended events.

The disciple needs to create his ideal persona and thus not get stuck in sub-personality realities.  Instead, just express, appreciate and pass through them initially until they are eventually integrated into the larger personality matrix.

The disciple needs to regulate timing on day-to-day basis in response to the soul to meet real needs in your environment.

The disciple needs to distinguish and organize the impressions coming into your space.

The disciple needs to create the ability to appreciate how the need of spirit is orchestrating in the moment.


Each of these sections below offers us a common place to begin our work upon ourselves. These sections are many, but the important point is for us to have a realistic view of the areas in our life that can and will be eventually addressed: 520,000


Integration priorities. 22

Karma resolvable during this life. 14

Vices becoming virtue. 40

Ultimate values needing to be expressed. 3

Believe systems needing to be relinquished. 3

Ideals needing to be evolved 1

Self-images that need to evolve. 40

Personality development required. 3000

Series of personas developed over life cycles. 40000

Regulation of life energies in etheric body. 14000

Unfolding of the centers. 42000

Unfolding your path. 160000

Demonstrating your fitness for initiation. 16000

Demonstrating your service to Humanity 100

Demonstrating your service to the Ashram. 120

Demonstrating the Purpose of the Master. 200


Invaluable to develop a way of looking at the world where the Glory of the Lord makes everything make sense. What do I mean? I mean that each act of creation has in it the potential to move the whole towards this One Glory and behind every thought and deed is an ideal pattern that gave rise to this outer, yet imperfect three-fold world expression managed by the universal Law of Economy which wastes no action or event for moving the whole towards a greater good.

The Lord himself establishes the requirements in each period that He expects to bring this ideal pattern into a fuller manifestation. The Lord also expects each of us to play our part in this process as spirit. An ideal pattern is a pattern that unfolds according to law, principle, and rule.  The purpose of this demonstration comes to light over the ages and represents the intent of the Lord. The purpose of organization of one’s mind and life is to better familiarize yourself to what is happening now in the world and how we can better play our part.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted set of Impression received in Meditation.

Posted in Discipleship & Initiation.