Spirits Moving deeper into the Unknown Heart

The elemental lives invoked by the various classes of lunar Pitris and solar Pitris all gather with each other around the warm glow of the fire.  The fire comes from heaven and all who gather around its warmth perceive through their own eyes the purpose for life.  As the fire grows dim and the sparks turn to ashes, the word goes forth.  Seek ye another fire this one at heaven’s gate and dwell there for a time.  Such is where we are at, waiting for passersby to join us and spend some time telling each other stories.  All of us together, warming ourselves by the fire tends to express a common interest. Each one’s interest is relative to their position in life, but they have chosen to live not only for their sake, as we find out but also for God’s sake.  Each of you must realize your position in life for your own sake and for God’s sake (discover the meaning of the two fires unique to yourselves).

We have gathered outdoors in the cold air and wonder whether or not the cold will last as we shiver in our bones, and we seek to know the real purpose of this lasting coldness.  The fires warm us not, and yet the sun shines warmly upon the day’s sky and yet cold it is.  Frost bit we all are, yet we wander not off the path.  Seeking comfort from the cold wind, but yet, we continuously cry aloud as to the coldness which has become us.  We all seek to know two things:  what manner of coldness is this?  Where did it come from? Each of you must answer these two questions to join us in the starry sky.

The light of the path grows dim and weary we are of the cold.  Yet our feet trod on to the ever-growing darkness.  And we wonder no more about the cold, for the darkness now engrosses our attention.  Yet we seem not to wander lost.  Our footsteps seem sure, as if guided by an unknown hand.  We reach out to take this hand and find that it is our own.  And we wonder no more about the darkness.  Each of you needs to find the darkness and secure yourself in its grasp and all will be well.


We would like now to take you on a little journey.  A journey deep in the heart of the cosmos.  The journey takes us first, to the star Sirius (image of a man behind counter keeping records).  The journey next takes us to a very distant star, on the other side of Pegasus.  A distance so far, that few have ever been able to make it in this Maha-Manvantara from this solar system.  But there are a few who have made it there and have sent back these reports.

First:  The Wind blows me back; night and day and I struggle to keep my sights upon the vision of the star.  And yet, forever, I know I must tread this Path for my heart, weeps in certainty of reaching the goal.  The goal that was impressed upon me by my superiors. A goal I must reach at all costs.  Nothing shall deflect me from my goal.  I know no other.  And no other will satisfy me.  For my heart races with anticipation of meeting my inner Master’s request.  Oh, and yet the journey is long.  No other travelers befall me.  I seek only peace that the star will bring and my inner Master’s commendation.  Such are my rewards.  Such as my heart can stand.  Be well all fellow travelers.  The way I have cleared.  The Path is surer. The Beauty is more astounding, for I have doved it with my will, and all will be well, for the dove will protect you and honor you as you tread upon my Path into an unknown destiny. Not by your will, but by my stalwart (outstanding strength and vigor of body mind and spirit) heart.

By three other travelers who follow after:  By the beating of the Wind upon our bodies, it is as if a trumpet sounds forever in our ears.  And onward we move in the darkness each of us giving comfort to the other, yet satisfied by nothing, except the wayward journey home.  We seek to let you know, all passersby this way, the Glory of the One scatters us not upon the Way.  For we forever seek the Beauty and the Unity that lies ahead, and yet behind.  For all is well everywhere, but we know this not, for we are nowhere and yet with the One. And as our hearts surge to the destiny that awaits us, the glory behind us fading but yet shining upon our way, for we do not seek the newness for that which we are and all of you shall know us as you touch our newness within yourselves.  For we echo the future, into your past, so your present can be what we are.


Composed by HZ from a Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

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Posted in Esoteric Cosmology & Astrology, Soul Impacted Apothegms.