Group Cohesion
Each aspirant to initiation is required to perceive their relationship to each group they are karmically related with or to.
Each aspirant to initiation is required to extend their vision into the purpose of the various ashramic groupings overall.
Each aspirant to initiation is required to understand their reason for being related to these groupings.
Each aspirant to initiation is required to see themselves as a potentially useful part of each grouping.
Each aspirant to initiation needs to perceive all of these various groupings as a part of the larger dharmic and karmic pattern of humanity along with themselves.
Each aspirant to initiation in this group needs to schedule a time to contribute to this One Work as well as develop a fuller understanding of the implications and ramifications of this.
Each aspirant to initiation needs to apperceive your groupings as an extension of their accomplishments as well as your areas of needed gift development or service.
Each aspirant to initiation needs to apperceive the individuals formed in these relationships as future comrades upon the One Path and take care not to interfere in their free will.
Each aspirant to initiation needs to investigate their overall point of soul status in relationship with the goals of their grouping and thus understand their real evolutionary needs.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
Spiritual Guidance – Probationary Initiate – Individualized Deva
49 Ashramic Emblems – Probationary Initiate – Way of the Lord
Spiritual Evaluation Provided for a Probationary Initiate & Friend – Part 1
Spiritual Guidance –For a Probationary Initiate – Soul 2nd Aspect
Organization of the Mind – A Probationary Initiate’s – An Example
Probationary Disciple to a Probationary Initiate – Some Lessons Delineated