Nicholas Roerich Museum

Purposeful Interactions with Others – An Evaluation Method Example

It is useful to realize that other people’s version of the truth and intents for interacting with you will not in any way approach your own version most of the time; and we do have a propensity to project our own perspectives and truth or nature onto others unfortunately. When we do so is only a matter of time before these people will in some way decide your fate along the line of their truth or intents hidden by your projection.

It is useful to investigate people that cross your path to determine their potential interaction usefulness for the both of you and better prevent the tendency to project onto them your own truth or desire. The list below can be used to better accomplish this insight if each person is meditated on, or using some form of kinesiology, or other method. The list can of course be altered to reflect your life path intents.  This list is the one created as an example.

30 Ways of Evaluating the Potential for Interacting with Another.

  1. People who can help me in the One Work.
  2. People who I can help in the One Work.
  3. People who want to have an intimate relationship with me in some personal or professional way.
  4. People who want something from me and can give nothing in return.
  5. People who I have karma with that needs addressing.
  6. People who are aspirants to the mysteries.
  7. People who believe they love me in some way.
  8. People whom I can help in terms of healing.
  9. People who want you to help them soon in some way
  10. People you can trust with your secrets.
  11. People who want to harm you.
  12. People who hated you in previous lives.
  13. People who can care for you in ways you need.
  14. People who want to take you home (control you).
  15. People who will defend you with their lives.
  16. People who will honor your traditions.
  17. People who will honor you tonight but not tomorrow.
  18. People who can care for you with their lives and receive nothing in return.
  19. People who will want to dump you if their needs are not met.
  20. People who will betray you to the authorities.
  21. People who want to sleep with you which is alright.
  22. People who want to sleep with you which is not alright.
  23. People who care for you when awake but not asleep.
  24. People who dramatize everything.
  25. People who will help you tomorrow but not today.
  26. People who will demand you to follow them or nothing.
  27. People who climb the steps to the temple and pray.
  28. People who want to help you but can’t.
  29. People who I can teach something useful to.
  30. People who care for you in ways not becoming for either of you.


Composed by HZ

Posted in Esoteric Psychology.