Nicholas Roerich Museum - The Command

Rules for Making some Significant Life Decision

First rule is to stop thinking about (introversion/extroversion) whatever the life circumstance you need a decision on.

Second rule is permit yourself the necessary solitude to find your whole Self.  Seek your subjective/objective alignment.

Third rule wait in the silence until the energy moves you in some direction or you feel good about some aspect that was revealed to you.

Fourth rule is to take whatever comes and reflect upon it in these six ways (to ground it in a way that works):

  • First, reflect upon it in terms of causation; we mean here the cause for whatever you received.
  • Second, reflect upon it in terms of life direction-how/where will this take you & why in to the future.
  • Third, reflect upon a way to achieve happiness per this whatever.
  • Forth, sense a relationship with this whatever that leads you to believe that whatever by following this that comes to you in the silence will still bring value to your life.  Generate the idea that you will be okay with this if you do not let it go.
  • Fifth, you need to reflect upon the idea of you achieving some sense of purpose towards your life objectives.
  • Sixth, you need to reflect upon a way to resolve within yourself any potential conflict between your feelings and whatever comes.

Fifth rule, take some time now to relax and go back into your body presence and hold this decision in your heart and note what comes to you; then follow it where it takes. Write down what comes to you in this process, and take that back into your body presence and do the same thing until nothing comes.

Sixth rule, once you have completed the above process go back into your body presence one more time but this time hold the essence of your awareness in your third eye and allow soul to impress on you its intention in relationship to the overall group objective in you doing this whatever.  Now takes some time to get a sense of your purpose for this life and see how this fits in or not.

It is important now to realize that you have made a decision based upon the above criteria; now you need to reflect upon the karmic considerations of this decision:

Seventh rule, register in your mind’s eye a sense of relationship you have to the form you are about to create. To do this requires you to achieve a sense of harmony in your body presence with this form. To do this requires you to allow your feelings to become involved.  To do this requires you to sit back and observe how you really feel about this and get a sense of the level of expectation you have in creating this form.

If your level of expectation is high then you are required to know why (note group soul: we recommend that you release yourself from identification with this form at this point to see how this feeling will work out once you do this)and ask (or hold this intention) in your body presence for the answer and observe what comes.

If your expectation is low, then you need to do the same thing as above or release identification. If you have no feeling reaction go into the next rule.

Eighth rule, create for yourself an imaginary situation that permits you to create the form in your mind and test out different scenarios. Register your sense of arrogance in being able to know beyond a shadow of doubt that the form you create is in the highest good for everyone involved. It is here that requires from yourself a sense of presence in your heart to know this.

Ninth rule, achieve recognition of your relationship to your environment that this form will play out within.  We need you to have a perfect understanding of the variables & elements within this model to sense their ultimate relationships; need you to do this to establish a continuity of relationship from beginning to end to be completely comfortable with being in control of the results of the creative process so responsibility can be shouldered realistically.

Tenth rule, achieve an understanding that this form you create will bring certain rewards; you need to know what they are in essence.  You also need to know how these rewards will benefit the others involved.

Eleventh rule, you will need to have a contingency plan to compensate for influences you don’t really have control of.

Posted in Raja Yoga.