We Devas would like to tell you a story. This story is based upon an idea that the world was created in 7 days: This is a story relating to a time before men existed and before the earth was created. This story is about our challenge to carry out the behests of God. It is a story not yet told in the annuals of human history but a story replete with greatness. This story takes place before time as you know it existed. This story is an enactment of the creation of the local universe.
The place where it started was beyond Scorpio in that part of the heavens where the great temple in the heavens is being continually constructed even now. The design was on the table, and the order given to begin the construction. It was at that time that many of us, still young as Devas go, embarked upon a grand mission. This mission was placed in our hands by a young Prince of sorts, this Prince can be perceived as that which gave rise to the eventual necessity of Sanat Kumara and all of his associate planetary Logoi. It was this Prince, who began this local universe of seven (7) galaxies. And according to our story this Prince even now stands over the table viewing the many charts or plans yet uncreated. We have been engaged in this construction for many a millennium and to this day we see a possible completion.
We appreciate the Prince’s confidence in us as we have grown old in abeyance with His wishes, and we have also grown wise in ways of our kind. We would like you to know that each of us now so engaged were only lieutenants before when this creative endeavor started but today, we compose embody the totality of the cosmic Logoi’s substance. It is in this way we move on, tattered and worn by the many battles fought and waged to instill our design upon the amorphous being of dimensional space. We have succumbed many times and sought assistance in the perfecting of these Plans. And for many mahakalpa have battled that which tries to destroy us and prevent us from accomplishing our design.
We have given you this information in the hope of establishing a better appreciation for our labors—that which has come before you and that which lead you on into the unknown—unknown by you but for us is all there is. See to it you rise to the challenge we have prepared for you. The journey goes forward into the light of day, a light we have brought you, a light we carry upon our brow, a light that is confused with darkness, a light nevertheless where none existed before. See to it that your arms are filled with scared gifts and your mouth with praise as you inner our lighted world. Each of us cherish you as the Great Temple is cherished rising up in the heavens to where we do not know. But before you bow down and touch our feet bow down and touch your own feet as we walk together within the Great Temple of the Lord—the Prince of All.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
The Universe as we See It – Buddhic Devas
Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins
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A Journey Provided by Buddhic Devas
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Cosmic Etheric Plane & The Real Story of Life Begins