Nicholas Roerich Museum - Beyond the Seas

Six Guided Meditations to Access Specific Subjective Information

Exercise No. 1:

A Guided Meditation – Soul Purpose is Life Perfectly Lived as Intended.

Get into your body presence:

Relax from the day and once your breathing becomes normal allow yourself to become focused on your body presence.  Allow your awareness to take in your whole body. Sense yourself just being with it relaxed and breathing at ease.

Now, empty your mind of all memories of the day and permit your emotions to go with them.

Once this is complete, allow yourself to become the observer.

Now take time to see with your mind’s eye with your imagination in front of you a room with a staircase. Imagine yourself moving towards this staircase.

Take some time to look around and notice what else is there with you in the room.

Take your time doing this, just allow whatever is there to come into your presence.

Before you step on the staircase, ask yourself to be permitted to see what your destiny is as a soul if your life was perfectly lived.

It is important that you just hold the intention and do not permit your known cell memory to take control of your mind — just be the observer allowing the presence to provide the information.

Never identify with what you apperceive, just observe it—whether good or bad from your point of view as judgment is irrelevant and should be avoided at all costs.

Now begin to walk up the staircase observing what comes to your awareness.

You can write down as you go if you think you will forget and then go back into observer mode.

Once you get to the top, reaffirm the intention — what would be the destiny of your soul if your life were perfectly lived.

Once complete, return to your normal presence.


The importance of this exercise is to give you a hint of the amount of information that can be accessed through just being present with yourself or others. It is about you taking charge of your destiny by aligning your brain, mind, and soul to enhance your life. It is about you being able to be your own guide and master. You should make every effort to secure this type of brain, mind, and soul connection to master or your Self and your circumstances.  You need to remember your time on this planet can be lived fully and with adventure if you are willing to allow your soul to be your guide.


Exercise No. 2:

A Guided Meditation – Life processes you need to become aware of now.

Be in your body presence.

The same process applies above except we will introduce new images:

Take some time to go into your body presence as detailed above and begin to imagine you are on a hillside. Observe the nature of your surroundings.

Permit yourself to look out across the landscape into the sky. See in the sky a bird flying.  Get a sense of being the bird allow yourself to flow through the air.

Try to get an image of what you as the bird might be picturing below you. Draw it into focus.

Begin to go down towards it until you can make it out in greater detail.  Get a sense of its relationship to you.


Exercise No. 3:

Be in your body presence.

Spend some time breathing in through the top of your head and out of your feet the color orange, rose, and emerald green. Do this for five minutes or so breathing one color at a time but not one after the other — just three times.

Now take some time to go into your body presence.  See yourself in a valley looking up at a mountain. Permit your subjective self to find a way up the mountain. Just observe what comes into your presence.

Once you are provided a path begin to walk up the mountain.

Once up there spend some time looking around.

Notice in the distance an object now move towards that object and see what it is.

Stand in front of it and let your presence dialogue with it. Note the communication.


Exercise No. 4:

Be in your body presence.

Spend some time breathing in through the top of your head and out your ajna center the orange, rose, and emerald green again.

That might be This time see yourself in the clouds. Spend some time to sense anything present with you.

If so, try to dialogue with it.


Exercise No. 5:

Be in your body presence.

See yourself floating in a cloud mass.

While floating ask yourself this question and wait for a body response:

If my memory is accurate — then who would I be once this present form of my persona is removed and replaced by a more ideal persona or other.

Allow yourself to follow the body presence response.

Permit one more question: Who am I when I am not in a body. Allow yourself to flow with this and follow it where it takes you do not be discouraged by no response just keep on observing with this intention in mind but not repeating the words.


Exercise 6:

Be in your body presence.

Visualize yourselves standing in front of a golden door.

See yourself knock on this door.

Sense what happens next; follow wherever it takes you energetically and dialogue with yourself to make it as clear as possible.

Now, visualize yourselves walking down a long corridor.

Get a sense of the images along the way.

Observe its destination—just be with it and observe. Dialogue if necessary.


Once completed with exercises make a note of the type or nature of the information received given the symbolism of each of the guided meditation.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Posted in Esoteric Healing, Esoteric Psychology.