Nicholas Roerich Museum - A Mountain Study

Four Short Mantras to Enhance Meditation Alignment

Mantra 1: (6)

Against the dark blue heavens, I place my heart.

Against the morning sun I surrender to its Plan necessity.

Against the evening twilight I bear witness to my God.

In the past I created myself.

In the present I am discovering myself.

In the future I will be myself.


Mantra 2: (8)

Unsaved and unworthy.

But daring great I have become.

I see the vision and know the way.

I listen, I strive.

Without rest I work.

My life is not mine.

I know the future.

For I am it.


Mantra 3: (10)

Long lasting is my love.

It is my truest gain.

My torment is my love rejected.

Christ’s Love is my goal.

His footsteps I follow.

His hallowed life I worship.

His eternal Presence bathes me.

His Forgiveness nurtures me.

His Treasures bless me.

In His Arms I am held.


Mantra 4: (12)

The sun arises in its might, and I am there.

I speak out in prayer to It and praise it constantly for its countenance.

I bath myself in its warmth and light.

I sing to It my joy.

I supplant my being in It.

I encircle It with my dance.

I embrace it with my divinity.

I stand before It in be wonderment.

I am soothed by Its Heart in my heart.

I die and return to It.

I, a divine being, bow before it.



All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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