Some Thoughts on Pegasus

One astrological meaning that was received in meditation in regards to Pegasus and also the “body of Pegasus” is as follows: One of the stars particularly or Alpheratz as one of the four stars outlining the body of Pegasus gives one the insight for performing physical plane (three-world) miracles. These miracles are about a way to move through life with the aid of others more evolved (see reference to Zeus and others below) and in this way one can achieve much. One can juxtapose this stars position upon certain planets to have a better idea of when these events will happen inferentially.  This is one of the influences astrologically in my soul chart as explained to me by an advanced subjective Astrologer received in meditation when he was giving a telepathic reading.  There are other astrological interpretations if one researches this particular star.  All knowledge and wisdom leads towards the truth if that is the direction one is moving in.

Basically, the existing and wonderful mythology surrounding Pegasus captures some of my own personality’s connotations and use. The Body of Pegasus, or the great square, refers to the four major stars. Three bright stars in Pegasus and Alpheratz, the navel of the horse and the top of Andromeda’s (as a constellation and not the galaxy) head.


Andromeda is also one of the seven (and closest to ours) galaxies that is related to this Galaxy in what I call the greater, greater Logos. The Andromeda galaxy is nearer the legs of Pegasus (also NW as Pegasus is skewed more horizontal). Astrologically interesting also depending veracity of meaning just as the Andromeda constellation which is linked to both Virgo one of the oldest constellations and also Venus.

There is a wide and interesting field of research to be found in the relation of

  1. The planet Venus—ruler of the constellation Gemini.
  2. The Earth on which we live, called often “Mother Earth.”
  3. The Fish-goddesses of the sign Pisces.
  4. Virgo, the Virgin. EA, p. 131

Per an earlier apothegm “Following the Cosmic Sound”, the body of Pegasus refers to the origin of the seven spirits of humanity in a far earlier solar system as this is technically the fourth one or second major one as per the teachings. Humanity at that time was basically not humanity as we now understand it but lives of a lower creative hierarchy that was to become the human kingdom as we now understand it.  In other words, there are three lower centres or planes now below the threshold of awareness that can be somewhat brought back into etheric awareness through various forms of Hatha yoga. It is basically impossible to grasp the nature of the origin of humanity in the first solar system or one of the first order as opposed to ours of the fourth order or it is for me but the two quotes below gives us a clue. Thus, a definite relationship to the mineral kingdom or the fourth if one counts the lower three centre, hierarchies, kingdoms correlations. The five unmanifested creative hierarchies were not unmanifested during the first solar system.


EARTH—The School of Magnetic Response.  Another name given to its pupils is “The graduates of painful endeavour” or the “adjudicators between the polar opposites.”

A further hint to be taken in connection with the two names above given, is that its graduates are said to undergo examination upon the third subplane of the astral plane.

VULCAN—The School for Fiery Stones.  There is a curious connection between the human units who pass through its halls and the mineral kingdom.  The human units on the earth scheme are called in mystical parlance “the living stones”; on Vulcan they are called “fiery stones.” TCF, Alice A. Baily


This relates to the mythology of Medusa turning others to stone as well as itself (see quotes below for a short summary of logic).  Also consider the mythology relating Andromeda, the chained to a rock maiden, and Pegasus, Athena, Perseus, Poseidon, which are not referenced.

Further inference of mineral or stone link, particularly of Andromeda’s head, the fourth star linked to both the body of Pegasus and also to Andromeda. Stones are unresponsive to spirit as the earlier three or four lower creative hierarchies and the lowest one now in particular. The goal of this solar system is to make the first or lowest creative hierarchy lives more responsive to spirit.

Pegasus was born out of an earthy creature or Medusa (Pan) and Pegasus has the power to ascend into the spiritual worlds.  He sprang from the neck (or creative evolution of Pan) of Medusa. There is a wonderful set of mythology written about Pegasus and if one sifts through it and interprets it per the ancient wisdom teachings much insight into its mythology and related constellation mythologies is acquired in terms of causation.

A couple of Quotes:

“Carl Jung saw in Pegasus a profound esoteric symbol of the spiritual energy that allows access to the realm of the gods on Mount Olympus.”

“With time and after many adventures, Pegasus became the servant of the gods. There he was the mount of Eos to help bring the dawn or was ridden by Apollo to bring the sun. Pegasus also served Zeus by bringing to him the thunder and lightning needed for the Thunderbolts. For all his noble services, Pegasus was honored by a constellation in the autumn sky.

“Pegasus is one of transcendent nature, which bridges the connections with the higher self, enabling us to receive Divine inspiration and to rise above the clutch of a life anchored in duality.”


“Medusa, one of the three Gorgon sisters, the most beautiful, and the only mortal one, angered Athena after being raped by Poseidon in the Temple of Athena.[2] Athena punished Medusa by turning her hair into snakes. Some versions of the story state that Athena also cursed her so that a pair of golden wings grew from her head. Chrysaor and Pegasus were said to be born from the drops of Medusa’s blood that fell in the sea; others say that they sprang from Medusa’s neck as Perseus beheaded her, a “higher” birth (such as the birth of Athena from the head of Zeus). Chrysaor is said to have been king of Iberia.”

PEGASOS (Pegasus) was an immortal, winged horse which sprang from the neck of the beheaded Gorgon Medousa (Medusa). It was tamed by Bellerophon who rode it into battle against the fire-breathing monster known as the Khimaira (Chimera). Later the hero attempted to fly to heaven but Zeus caused the horse to buck throwing him back down to earth in disgrace. Pegasos winged his way on to Olympos where he became the thunderbolt-bearer of Zeus.

Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology.

“The myth of Andromeda claims that her mother, Queen Cassiopeia, was so proud of her daughter’s beauty that she boasted it surpassed even that of the nymphs of the sea. Such arrogance offended the gods, who released floods in retribution and threatened to destroy the kingdom. Andromeda was chained to a rock by the sea upon the orders of her father, Cepheus, in the hope that her sacrifice to the sea-monster Cetus would appease the gods of the sea. Whilst awaiting her fearful fate, the princess was heroically rescued by Perseus who exposed to Cetus the decapitated head of Medusa – a sight so horrifying and morbid that the monster turned to stone.

The usual representation of the constellation figure depicts Andromeda as a sacrificial victim chained to the rocks, and it was in the act of imprisonment and sacrifice that Manilius saw its astrological significance. The influence of Andromeda upon those born at its rising is to create natives who would imprison others or profit from captivity or execution:

The man whose birth coincides with the rising of Andromeda… will prove merciless, a dispenser of punishment, a warder of dungeons… From the same constellation comes the figure of the executioner, ready to take money for a speedy death and the rites of the funeral pyre… in short, a man who could have looked unmoved on Andromeda herself fettered to the rock. The governor of the imprisoned he occasionally becomes a fellow convict, chained to criminals so as to save them from execution.

But although Ptolemy linked it with those who die by crucifixion, and William Lilly associated it with death by hanging or decapitation when prominently placed with Mars, Andromeda is generally considered to be a fortunate constellation, associated with the personal attributes of the princess herself. According to Ptolemy all of the stars within the figure are of the nature of Venus.

The brightest star of the constellation is Alpheratz, a 2nd magnitude double star of white and purplish color, located in the head. It has a very fortunate influence and is renowned for attributing honor, harmony, popularity and wealth. The name is derived from an Arabic phrase meaning ‘The Horse’s Navel’ from a time in early Arabian astronomy when it was associated with the constellation Pegasus. In later Arabian astronomy taken from Ptolemy it was known as ‘the Head of the Woman in Chains’ or more simply as ‘Andromeda’s Head’ by Lilly and his contemporaries.

Mirach, yellow in color, is a slightly less brilliant 2nd magnitude star situated near the top of the left thigh. It takes its name from the Arabic Mizar meaning ‘Girdle’. Its influence is upon domestic matters, and it is reported to give a happy marriage, a love of home and personal beauty.

Almach is a double star, situated at the left foot of Andromeda. The origin of its name has not been positively identified but it is thought to be from an Arabic phrase meaning ‘the Woman’s Foot’. Another 2nd magnitude star, it is connected with eminence and honor and is especially noted for its magnificent colors of orange, emerald and blue. William Herschel, (who discovered Uranus) remarked upon its attractive appearance by describing it as “one of the most beautiful objects in the Heavens” – a comment which aptly links the star to the mythological character it portrays.

Vertex, the star cluster to the north of Andromeda’s head, has a far less fortunate reputation. It is listed by Ptolemy as of the nature of Mars and the Moon, and like all nebulous clusters, is associated with weakness and a potential for blindness. Vertex is actually a galaxy, called ‘the Andromeda Galaxy’ by astronomers. It is the only separate galaxy visible to the naked eye; over 2 million light years away.


Posted in Esoteric Cosmology & Astrology.