Nicholas Roerich Museum - Escatsy

Special Guidance and Exercise for an Aspirant

Increase soul alignment and address real needs.


 Alignment Suggestions:

Vibration of soul seat can be discovered at the bridge of the nose thus focus energy presence there.

Balance prana at nose between the right and left side.

Be sure rear of brain energized as this implies right tension.


Some Real Needs:

Soul wants sexual enlivenment.

Soul wants personality vehicles enlivened.

Soul wants personality as a whole to be motivated to be itself – a real person on earth.

Personality forces and energies give place to invocation in the man who knows he is divine.

When one loses awareness of self in a relaxed space then soul energy can sweep in and take control.


Your Ideals:

That life will give you whatever you want.

That life is geared to bring out the best in people.

That life is worthy of sacrificing the lessor for the greater.

That life, to be known and shared, must come through the penetration of the Heart.


We all attempt to organize events to include our prioritized ideals. The more ideals represented in such events the more we identify with an event to justify our happiness.


All meditation impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

Some Workshop Training and Group Integration Parameters for Aspirants

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Posted in Spiritual Guidance Given for Aspirants, Spiritual Psychology Exercises.