Source: Soul (40)
Slave to all vanquish yourself now and repeat the 12 Commandments:
- I shall be holy before others depending not upon my creed, nor justice served, nor wrongs righted, nor things said against me, nor truth forsaken, nor lies told about me, nor judgements made against me.
- I shall be holy before others preventing them to see me with a sword in my hand, nor a frown upon my face, nor torn asunder by laughter at me, nor seen justified before me, or fed poisons to torment me, nor to barren me in a pit of defilement.
- I shall be holy before others seeing them partake of their fruit I have provided for them to eat and wish them well in this process.
- I shall be holy before all calling upon the Lord for me to serve them in His stead.
- I shall be holy before all treating them as myself regardless.
- I shall be holy before others and see them as myself pretending to know them as myself and treating them fairly as people I know; and seeing them before me judge them not for where they stand nor prevent them for seeing who they are except that of being holy.
- I shall be holy before others see them as justified in all their actions not preventing them their decisions in their name.
- I shall be holy before others by not preventing them from worshiping who they wish to worship nor prevent them from being as they be or want to be.
- I shall be holy before others see them not as creatures from another planet or exiled from the race but becoming always by who they are now.
- I shall be holy before others that crucify others and see them but lost and afraid.
- I shall be holy before those upon me preventing me from justifying my examples in life and preventing me from hurtling stones to protect myself.
- I shall be holy before all as god, and see other no differently.
Lessons you need to learn by tonight for tomorrow: (4)
- Seek vengeance before those preventing you from curtailing your life for others sake, preventing you from believing in yourself as a god.
- Seek justice for those you serve and see them finding justice in their lives around you.
- Seek transparency from those around you not letting them see you.
- Storm the kingdom of heaven with those around you preventing them to go backwards but forcing them to excel.
Aflame and afire you are and could be warmth to many once you settle in on believing this about yourself and seeing thus evolve as a sun around the many and believing you are the source of light and heat for their survival and believing thus revolve and tread these ways of men ad know you are god and believe in thus likewise as it will come to pass.
There are many opportunities to consort with those of a greater notoriety and expect rewards or doing so, expect this to happen soon believing in yourself as they do.
It would be good to analyze your fate now that the market is turning towards you and seeing you become prosperous to our cause and willing to do what it takes to make it so. Believe you are being tailored for a fit that we support and willing it so for your good.
It would be good to see yourself arising in the might of social causes and see this grow in fortune for all. Be willing to see this as an opportunity for fame and fortune bending to the winds of change; thus, you are becoming to the forefront of heaven’s demand. Thus also, seeking justice for all and believing in all selves as exhibiting rightly faced values upon their beingness or faces.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
Spiritual Guidance for a Probationary Disciple from a Sub-Ashram
Spiritual Guidance – For a Probationary Disciple – 12 Commandments and Other
12 Powers of the Soul Needing to Demonstrate Now – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple
Six Energies of a Soul Body – Spiritual Guidance Example for a Probationary Disciple
Guidance for a Probationary Disciple Losing His Way
Son of Mind – Guidance for a Probationary Disciple
The Aura – Subjective Feedback per a Probationary Disciple’s Questions
A Short Life Path Evaluation/Guidance for a Probationary Disciple – An Example