How strange that work is composed as the world struggles again to see itself clear of dark forces. This awakens within us a balancing need to avert our eyes away from such to avoid an inadvertent acquiescence with our very attention.
The gathering forces entering unto the world are ready for battle. But a battle focused on salvation, freedom, synthesis, and truth. The glories of the world, apart from a few victories of national souls, go unnoticed by these forces for their Hearts are at-one in the Lord and the Hierarchy.
For every human group or nation there is a way they must go and it is this way these forces are guiding. The guiding is both within and without, it is not without individual interest that this guidance is given.
All these forces who enter upon the physical plane carry within themselves the wisdom and knowledge needed and also the path to travel.
We who are descending know one truth and that is the truth of our hopes for we see the world as one that has forgotten its way. Our time has forgotten humanity and humanity has forsaken its oneness.
We all do what we can do. No matter what the cost, humanity’s life is worthy of all we have to give.
Ashramic Group:
Exceedingly simple are those that guide humanity, the Way is clear of footsteps trodden by the many for the One alone travels thus in the light of the many, returning from whence they came.
Forever and a day the road is trodden questing for the question needing asked.
Alone we must quest for the central great mystery.
Carrying all along within us to find our way.
The Christ’s work is about to change as he is developing an understanding that humanity has particular needs which require him to reframe from pushing forward with his immediate Plan. These real needs of Humanity need to be addressed in a different way at this time. It is important that you understand that humanity has come a long way and is tired as well as dismayed with existing world conditions but do not know how to change them as they feel powerless to do so.
The Christ will initiate a solution based upon humanities cry for assistance as well as their belief that it will come in some form. It would be good if humanity made the realization on their own of what needed to be done to prevent a forced crisis from taking place as well as more hardship, but humanity’s lessons are yet incomplete as they do not yet perceive the Oversoul context of the One Humanity and the One Life working together to solve all of the world problems together.
It is important at this juncture to believe that the One Humanity will supply the needed solutions as it becomes more invocative as well as developing an open heart available to receive. It is also important that the One Humanity can be more available to receive grace as it is somewhat creating along the lines of the intended Plan. Humanity’s institutional forms should reflect somewhat the desired goal of Shamballa which is for the gradual integration of these three major centers (head, heart, and throat centers) permitting an easier alignment for guidance that wants to come through.
The opportunities represented by Age of Aquarius are upon us and now is the opportunity to find oneself alert and outgoing as to the properties they wish to incorporate within their life. It is a time when all humankind can rule themselves with dignity and forbearance as well as just or correct intentions. It thus, in time when all humankind can battle within themselves to solve their own problems and thus the world’s problems. It is a time when justice can rule the earth as well as the will to good. It is a time when people will rise up to their truer self and say I am here and here I will make my stand. It is a time when all humankind will gladly say I am loved and also love itself. They will know they are free to be themselves in all spiritual ways and available to assist others upon their paths. It is a time when all people can say they are free to pursue just causes with understanding of real needs. It is a time when all people can say with massed intent I will never again permit my life to be separated from another and will no more stand not side by side with by brethren for the sake of the whole. I will not again permit myself to organize against another nor will I permit another to organize against another. I will lead all those who come to me Home.
New Group of World Servers (NGWS): (6)
Humanity is about to venture on a journey or search inwardly to know themselves a little better and this will come about through a process of crisis as it is crisis that awakens the soul. It is important to ad here that this crisis is about them cooperating to survive as well as to inherit the earth in its new format. You would be wise to prepare yourself for this as it will be soon.
Humanity should also be prepared to see itself as finding the One Soul as well as finding their place in it.
It is all of humanity requiring to see itself as a part of a vaster network of lives.
It is through this process that the new age will unravel.
It is likewise through this process that humanity will forgive its neighbor and move forward.
It is not too late to prevent this crisis although improbable.
Review of some national values and rights for humanity what need to be understood now. (77-7)
Each nation upon this planet has the right to determine its own future but this right is overshadowed by the greater needs of the planet.
Each group of people also has the right to be left alone to move into the future as it sees fit but this right is overshadowed by the greater needs of the planet.
There are many nations forfeiting their future rights along these lines through ignoring these values and the day will come when all will be balanced.
There are many nations organizing economically to better assist their peoples and fellow nations, but this isolates those nations who are not a part of this grouping. It is these nations that will be karmically in the future by pass their prosperity for other nations.
There are also many nations overseeing the needs of lessor nations and these nations will be given more to accomplish this.
Some nations are particularly active in caretaking others and these nations are likewise discovering their growth in this process.
As well as some nations are becoming greater and greater in their abilities to rule wisely, and it is these nations that will succeed in developing a greater role in governing the world.
A set of values it is important to inculcate to move into the New Age consciously.
Value of the One humanity as nations and groups of peoples working with Hierarchy to orchestrate the Plan.
Value of Making decisions incorporating a nation’s soul as well as the souls of those involved.
Value of Ideas wanting to come in to alter humanity’s or a nation’s future along the lines of the Plan and as well as in line with humanity’s or a nation’s or group of nations karmic necessity.
Values that bring nations closer together: (7)
- Value of seeing one another as souls.
- Value of witnessing another nation’s soul related purpose.
- Value of assisting another nation to maximize their true happiness through their unique contributions.
- Value of assessing and demonstrating a nation’s abilities and gifts.
- Value of asserting a nation’s belief in themselves as spiritual beings.
- Value of perceiving a vision or plan for a nation’s life.
- Value of nation knowing themselves to control themselves.
Value of creating a nation’s spiritual path based upon the art and science of the One Path.
Value of liberating a nation from themselves.
Value of maximizing a nation’s health and well-being on all levels.
Value of Being descending to manifest the One Life through Humanity’s or a nation’s culture and civilizations.
All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.
The Christ & Some Plan Elements
The Christ & The New Group of World Servers (NGWS) – Some Communications Received
The Plan – Some Further Information Unfolded
The Way of the Christ – Four Major Virtues of the Lord Christ & The Four Noble Truths
A Story of the Christ during a Life in Atlantis
A Message from the Christ – The Hour has Arrived
The Christ wishes to tell you a Story
A Message of Christ to Humanity
Together in the Christ Presence
Disciples of the Christ Consciously Attuned to the Christ
Christ to His Disciples at Wesak – A Message