Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Gift of the Aquarian Age

The Gift of the Aquarian Age

The hour has arrive, when all men great or small among your worldly brothers, must rise up and take hold of that very thing that animates your heart and your path and this one thing is your belief in yourself.  Those around you will not give it to you.  Your loved ones will not give it to you.  Your friends will not give it to you.  Only you can give it to you but it is you that must be discovered within the heart of your being and this heart is waiting for you.   It has waited for you for Aeons and it waits for you still that which has adored you throughout time.  Adore the Self, you must, to see the Self truly as you are.

The hour has come, to awaken to the call from the Voice within the Silence. A silence so deep those men’s minds and hearts need be fully organized to hear its call.  Thus the path, thus the three rules of purity, meditation and study.  The path of the Heart that begins once these three are perfected and is also known as the that path of spiritual occultism.  A path so devoid of self recognition that who wish to travel upon it must first lose their way and find The Way.  It is a path full of obstacles at every turn, obstacles placed there by oneself in distant past.  It is a path where worn the thorny crown, the battered robe, the staff of life for others, and the winged sandals as a messenger from god.  It is a path strung upon golden steps garnished from time from those who have passed by.  It is a path with pitfalls many but all who travel the narrow path experience them not.  It is a path from here to there adorn by all but privileged by few.  It is a path where many stumble and fall and fail but return again with joy for there is no other path.

You have been given the construct of rescuing from the past, your golden past, and those many treasures now at your feet. Treasures of the heart, treasures of your mind, and those treasures not yet perceived from Spirit to be received.  Take these adorned treasures back Home and lay these at the feet of those who sent you.  And in that moment, when you can look upon His Face, realize it is but a part of yourself.

We have given you and you have given us what we and you need to journey forward upon our way Home together.

This subjective Source impressions were mentally registered, recorded and brain conceptualized and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impressions herein are the responsibility of the Author – H.Z.

Posted in Soul Impacted Apothegms.