The Journey Home Yet Again

The manners of people who achieve Enlightenment are those that contribute the greatest number of mistakes in their lives and for you to be great require many mistakes made and atoned. It is in this way we move forward to become All by making All a part of us; it is to this behalf we register Grace more fully as it is invoked more fully.  We have given you this saying as a way to more forward courageously in making mistakes and trusting life will take care of you based upon its compassionate stance.


The hour has arrived that all beings wait; and to this hour the Lord standeth ready.

It has come to pass (the Prophecy true) that all waiteth upon the Lord, and the Lord is Content.

The Prophecy true that the beings came and went, the sky came and went, and the Lord came and went.

The hour has come when the Sea of Akasha will rise up and engulf the heaven worlds and return back to their Source and all will be well again in the Eye of the One.

The hour has come when the cosmic worlds see beyond their Horizon a gleaming Light radiating upon the distant shore and this Light shineth until the Day cometh unto Us.

The moment arrives in our spirits that recognizes this supreme Light and travels thus to this Source.

The moment arrives when our spirits rejoice in the wayward journey Home – the moment sure within their heart.

The human spirits venture forth into this world of Darkness beyond the veil of time and space and creation:

They retreat back to the Place that gave existence to Spirit:

It is at this Place we find Ourselves standing with Eye Aflame.

And from this Eye radiates all that redeemed Us.

It is here the Radiated returns again and again from whence it came.


Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function
Systemic Hierarchies & Hierarchical Enclaves – Some Adjunct Information

Esoteric Cosmology – Cosmic Antahkarana
The Plan & Sanat Kumara
One Near the Master (Old Flowing Beard)
The Circle of Creation
The World Turns Again and Again
Call from Venus
Following the Cosmic Sound

Esoteric Cosmology – 12th Great Mystery School

Posted in Soul Impacted Apothegms.