Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Lord Serves

  1. Address me as your servant.
  2. Eat of my substance
  3. Drink of my blood
  4. I kneel to wash your feet.
  5. I give you my strength and courage.
  6. You honor us with your Truth.
  7. I encourage others to be taught by you.
  8. I came to you to acknowledge your service.
  9. I dress myself to appear as you.
  10. I segregate those from you who perceive you not.
  11. I ordered my angels to assist you.
  12. I anoint your body with beauty.
  13. I heal your wounds.
  14. I taught you to sing.
  15. I suggested to you those things that would help you.
  16. I am the one who understands you.
  17. I give you my glory.
  18. I always keep you from harm.
  19. I protect you when you sleep.
  20. I too pray for your guidance.
  21. I am endeared by you.
  22. I offer up my sacrifices for you.
  23. Forever you are blessed by Me.
  24. You have encouraged me to move forward.
  25. You listen to me with your heart.
  26. I give to you my wounds to bandage.
  27. You see me everywhere.
  28. You tackle my biggest problem (faith in me).
  29. You adjust your hours to be with me in need.
  30. There are no strangers in our lives.
  31. I knock at life’s door for you.
  32. Your encouragement to others gives me strength.
  33. Our shared hope inspires others.
  34. Our destiny is to be together.
  35. Our waking moments are shared together.
  36. We cherish each other moment to moment.
  37. I give your life meaning.
  38. All of our shared blessings are given to others.
  39. We are friends and comrades.
  40. We beckon each other.
  41. Our hearts beat together the same tune.
  42. We choose the same path.
  43. We move closer to each other.
  44. We move together into the Unknown.
  45. We love the thoughts of each other.
  46. We obey the same Power.
  47. Our minds are joined together.
  48. Our truth is of one blade.
  49. You lighten my burden.

Composed by H.Z.: A Soul Impacted Impression received in Meditation.




Posted in Soul Impacted Apothegms.