Nicholas Roerich Museum

The Silence of the Heart – Destination Sources

Divine Soul: (8)

The absolute Silence of the Heart possible is represented by Solar Logos’s identification with 2nd aspect of the Monadic Sheath.

The representatives of this reality are the Seven (7) Sacred Planetary Logoi whose Monadic Vehicles are located upon the plane of Cosmic Buddhi.

Each Master attempts to identify with the ultimate point of attainable Silence through identifying with their own individual monadic sheaths representing an identification with planetary Logos or Heavenly Man of their planetary scheme.

Human existence points to the Heart of the Sun in terms of heart consciousness and point of silence attempting to be experienced but this is only a stopping off point.

In all manner of speaking, it is the Planetary Logoi that represents the highest achievable point of Heart Silence available to us in the 5th kingdom.

The Christ principle is the perfection of the existing centers of the Seven (7) planetary Logoi’s astral body or the seven (7) Ashrams on the buddhic level.

The buddhic plane is the goal of the human race as well as the entering of the cosmic Etheric in terms of identification as this is the Astral centers’ Desire aspect working out of the planetary Logoi.

The 6th subplane of the buddhic plane is the subplane where all 4th degree initiates attempt to polarize.


All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were then mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.



Posted in Esoteric Cosmology & Astrology.