Microsoft AI Creation

Useful Planets or Globes to Align With

(HZ Note: Information received subjectively while in meditation.)


You would be wise to consider making plans to achieve a certain alignment with the following six planets on a daily basis. The names for these globes will need to be received intuitively:


Future 1: This planet is referred to as the planet next in line to receive the Life-Wave. This planet gives one the ability to see yourself in the future and lessons the restraints upon your physical body.

Future 2: This planet allows you to receive impressions better from the inner realms. This planet permits you to know the secrets of success in bringing in information that is due to the Lords Plans for the future. It is important one make an alignment with this every day to assure one’s flow into the day.

Past 1: This planet deals with the possibility of registering all of those known ghosts of the past. It is about you being able to identify all of those characteristics within the world that stands for reactionary. Important that you reframe from registering this unless you are healthy and in a state of well-being and relates to the past.  This planet also relates you to the idea of receiving past life information from those devic sources still in this world.

Past 2: This planet registers all of those influences from Venus and in this way can be perceived as a warehouse of information pertaining to Venus. We would like you to have the information that this planet regularly receives information wanting to come in related to the past.

Future 3: This planet deals with a future time to come and is recognized as that planet that receives information about the solar Logos and in this way we can better keep in touch with the solar systemic activity.

Past 3: This planet is about you being able to achieve a certain connection with those devas that are responsible for the creation of our world and in this way achieve a greater understanding of the creative process. This planet is also related to the idea of receiving data on incoming forces related to the past and this comes about as evil influences come in.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were than were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

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Causal Body Travel – Some Other Places

Esoteric Cosmology – Nature of a Cosmic Logos Working Model based on Function

Esoteric Cosmology – Schemes of the Solar System – Some Adjunct Information





Posted in Esoteric Cosmology & Astrology.