Nicholas Roerich Museum - Beda the Peacher

Working Discipleship Commentary from Old Documents

The Plan of the Disciple

  • An open Heart, a loving Hand, an Extended Vision, a Pot of Gold, an Enlighten Mind, and the Gift of the One Presence depicts the Disciple’s livingness.
  • For all those who need assistance all is provided and all is sacrificed.
  • The Way glitters before him who holds the Hand of He that forever is with you.
  • Receive oh Disciple from Him who is ever with you, the timeless and infinite Journeys of He whose Road you travel.
  • Receive from Him His Travels.
  • Receive from Him His Bliss.
  • Open up your eye and blend your light with His.
  • Retain your visions of His Vision.
  • And learn His Ways and His Desires.
  • For all of you who travel along with Him in your journey, be advised and receive your place.
  • Permit the apperception of His Plan.

The Victories Known by the Disciple

  1. The truth is known by each who passes the test.
  2. The heart is empty of all except that which soundest from afar.
  3. The Way is cleared for all who’s vison is as One.
  4. The cosmos is known and carried by all those who’s whose destiny is One.
  5. Each seekest his own way and carries with him All.

The Suffering of the Disciple

  1. Immersed in substance, serving the One.
  2. Ear forever bent above.
  3. Rejected by all those who follow after.

The Path of the Disciple

  1. Heart a pounding in rhythm to the Song.
  2. The stream unending into Infinity.
  3. Thus, the initiate listening intently within the Heart;
  4. Immersed deeply in the Stream he travels thus.

The Evolving of the Disciple

  1. In a distance the Disciple sees the Light.
  2. The light is within him also.
  3. He uses the light within him.
  4.  to guide him to that distant Light.
  5. All around him is nothing but Light.
  6. It takes all shapes and colors and provides him with comfort.
  7. He loses his way and then finds it.

The Uniting of the Disciple

  • The red light, the blue Light, they gather together those of like hearts.
  • It is passion unending that separates the two.
  • The red immersed in the three worlds.
  • The blue not immersed.
  • They both are needed; they both are one.

All impressions posted herein, denoted and summarized were soul impacted from subjective sources and were mentally registered, organized, recorded, and brain conceptualized, and given contextual composition language. All interpretations of the impression sources herein are the responsibility of the recorder/composer – H.Z.

The One Sound

An Ancient Apothegm

A Very Old Apothegm

Hallowed be the Lord – A Prayer

The One Heart – A Short Reflection & Atlantean Prayer

A Way to Find Joy in Meditation – A Mantra


Posted in Discipleship & Initiation, Soul Impacted Aphorisms.